How to Import Data into Teradata via Python?

IMU Framework Design
2 min readAug 16, 2020

You will have to manipulate the data resides in multiple platforms when you do the data analysis, machine learning, reporting, etc. We are going to discuss how to leverage Python to upload the data in MS Excel and MS Access into Teradata.

Before we jump into the main topic, you need to have a file udaExec.ini stored in the same folder of py code and this file include your connection credential. Please ensure your name of ODBC setup is “Teradata”.

# Application Configuration

# Default Data Source Configuration

# Data Source Definition
username= informula
password= passcode

MS Excel into Teradata

  • Required package: teradata/ pandas
  • Key Parts:
  1. Define path of Excel
  2. Read the data of the defined path
  3. Define connection of Teradata
  4. Delete the content of target table in Teradata
  5. Insert data into target table in Teradata
  • Full Py code
import teradata
import pandas as pd
path = "‪C:/Excel.xlsx"
file = pd.ExcelFile(path)
for name in file.sheet_names:
if 'Sheet1' in name:
sh_name = name
df = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name = sh_name)
df = df[['Column1']].fillna('0')
udaExec = teradata.UdaExec(appName='${appName}', version='${version}', logConsole='${logConsole}')
with udaExec.connect('${dataSourceName}') as session:
session.execute("""delete from Datalab.Table1""")
for row in df.to_records(index = False):
ExcelDf = []
session.execute(""" Insert Into Datalab.Table1 ("Column1")
VALUES (?) """, ExcelDf)

MS Access into Teradata

  • Required package: teradata/ pandas/ pyodbc
  • Key Parts:
  1. Establish the connection of MS Access with defined path
  2. Select the table from the imported table in Access
  3. Define connection of Teradata
  4. Delete the content of target table in Teradata
  5. Insert data into target table in Teradata
  • Full Py code
import pyodbc
import teradata
import pandas as pd
Access_connection = pyodbc.connect(r'Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=‪C:/Access.accdb;')
cursor = Access_connection.cursor()
df = pd.read_sql('select * from Table_Access', Access_connection)
udaExec = teradata.UdaExec(appName='${appName}', version='${version}', logConsole='${logConsole}')
with udaExec.connect('${dataSourceName}') as session:
session.execute("""delete from Datalab.Table2""")
for row in df.to_records(index=False):
session.execute(""" Insert Into Datalab.Table2 ("Column1")
VALUES (?) """, (str(row[0]) ))

Thank you and enjoy it! If you want to support Informula, you can buy us a coffee here :)

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