10 Ways Dropping 55 Lbs Transformed Me Emotionally

Because only aesthetics don’t motivate you to work out for 7 consecutive years.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Thiago from Pexels

When people commended my weight loss, it was more about the aesthetical part.

Oh you look so good now, is what most told me. But dropping weight was more than just looking good. If looking good was the impact it had on me, I wouldn’t wake up early for the seventh consecutive year to get up and workout before I start my day.

Weight loss is so much more than just losing weight. As a woman, the impact it has had on me emotionally weighs more than how I look. Let me show you how.

  1. It has improved my self-worth. I was super under-confident before I lost weight because they always teased me for being the fat kid in the room. My teenage, contrary to how it is for most, was anything but getting attention from the opposite sex. Overweight people don’t get on that list.
  2. I never knew I could fit in the women’s section of clothes. Since I was 12, I had been shopping from the mens’ section because in India, back then, clothes in the women's section were rather petite.
    But jumping from XXL in women (M in men) to M in women felt great.
  3. I loved that I didn’t have to leave chocolate to lose weight. Since the first day…

