5 Exhilarating Health (and Happiness) Hacks I Learnt After 6 Years of Working Out

#3 Celebrate small wins

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
In Fitness And In Health


When I started working out 6 years ago, little did I think that I would ever have the courage to write this down. Little did I think that I’d ever like myself enough to feel good, or appreciate myself for saving my health when my BMI almost fell in the section of obesity.

Oh god, those love handles look terrible.

I’d mutter to myself, every time I changed in front of the mirror. There were more comments, depending on which body part I wanted to focus on. Mind you, this was not a result of my bad mood. It was a regular behaviour, regardless of what I felt.

I have interacted with hundreds if not thousands of people through my blog and (now-deleted) Instagram account in the last 5 years about fitness. After answering numerous questions, I figured out there are some patterns we have all resorted to.

Patterns about how we think of ourselves, of weight loss, and fitness in general. Here are 5 lessons which I have learnt during the last 6 years of working out. Learnings which haven’t just helped me at the gym, but have moved my approach towards life in general.

1. Do it because you love yourself

