14 Simple-yet-Nuanced Tips That Have Helped Me Moderate My Sugar Consumption

How I’ve managed to control my sugar cravings since I completed my 30-day no-sugar challenge

Alexa V.S.
In Fitness And In Health


Multicolored Doughnuts on White Textile. How to reduce your sugar cravings. How to become a moderate sugar consumer. How I’ve managed to control my sugar cravings since I completed my 30-day no-sugar challenge
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Three months ago, I completed a no-sugar challenge. For 30 days, I couldn’t have:

  • Added sugars. No sauces, baked goods, sweetened dairy, chocolates, etc.
  • Non-nutritive sweeteners. No stevia, erythritol, etc.
  • Natural sweeteners. No honey, agave, or maple syrup. (Only fruits were allowed.)

It was a transformative experience. Though the first days were hard — headaches, fatigue, mood swings — my cravings disappeared, my appetite went down, and my energy levels soared.

And my palate… It changed. Fruits started tasting sweeter.

However, these results aren’t why I think the challenge was a major success.

Not obsessing over dessert gifted me mental peace, a space I used to reflect on what was behind my self-proclaimed sugar addiction.

You can read the full story here, but here’s a quick summary of what I learned:

  • I need to stop labeling myself as a sugar addict.
  • Feeling guilty over having excess sugar makes me eat more…



Alexa V.S.
In Fitness And In Health

Certified INFJ. Health & Fitness enthusiast. Fellow writer.