15 Smoothies to Lose 15 Pounds (and a Free Downloadable Grocery List!)

15 easy to make smoothies that will help you lose weight by adding fiber, protein, greens, and healthy fats first thing in the morning. Includes a free downloadable grocery list.

Michelle Murphy
In Fitness And In Health


A green drink and red coffee mug are on a ledge in a backyard. On the right there are white socked feet relaxing. On the left is green grass and a dog in the background.
Me enjoying a Sunbutter Smoothie and coffee. Photo by me.

Okay I can’t guarantee you’ll lose 15 pounds. But the title was catchy, right?

In all seriousness, having a smoothie every day for breakfast was an easy, straight-forward habit I instilled to help me lose and keep off 15lbs. It’s a great way to get your leafy greens in, and the “hunger crushing combo” of protein, fats, carbs will help you reduce snacking. Smoothies are also a great way to get in fiber, which we know slows down your digestion and helps you feel full longer.

The other great benefit of having a smoothie every morning is it’s super easy to meal prep. I double each recipe and blend once, so I have 2 breakfasts ready to go in less than 10 minutes (including clean up!). Since diet plays a huge factor in weight loss success, anything you can do to make healthy eating a fraction of a percent easier is a step towards reaching your goal weight.

If you’re worried about the cost, I have a few ideas here to reuse items you already have. I also recommend…



Michelle Murphy
In Fitness And In Health

Managing Director @Use All Five. I write about career growth, mentorship, organization, and wellness. Stay in touch: https://medium.com/subscribe/@michjmurphy