A Highly Effective Full-Body Exercise I See Nobody Doing

It’s not swimming, running, burpees, or planks.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
In Fitness And In Health


Are you looking for an exercise that works the entire body? Are you looking to build muscle and cut fat? Are you sick of the usual advice with exercises that burn you out instead of building you?

If your answer was yes to any of these questions, you’ve come to the right place.

I’ve been working out for seven years and had a fat-to-fit journey where I dropped 55lbs.

This exercise requires your mind and muscle coordination and can do wonders for your body if done in the correct form, which I will help you with.

Overhead Squats

This is a functional movement that uses all your muscles to move and lift. Here’s how you do an overhead squat:

  1. Use a barbell or a water bottle to use overhead
  2. Stand with a shoulder-width stance
  3. Hold the weight overhead
  4. Inhale, hold your weight and squat down
  5. Take a cycle of breath, hold and squeeze your core
  6. Exhale, squeeze your glutes and stand up

Watch this video to learn more:

