Everyone Should Squat To Heal Their Body (Especially If You Don’t Exercise)

It’s part of reversing aging and it starts here

In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Luemen Rutkowski on Unsplash

Living in an Asian country, the act of squatting always seems pretty normal.

Most adults in my household can do that with relative ease since it’s part of our nature or culture to be in that position while doing our daily chores like peeling vegetables. Yet, when it comes to the younger generation, things start to get interesting.

You don’t usually see teenagers sitting in that position too often, especially those born in the modern age.

This meant that we ended up not being able to sit in that position when we wanted to. I’m one of them who finds it really difficult to sit in that position because I hardly get into that position when I was young and in my early days of training for the Volleyball team, my coach told us to wear ankle guards to protect our ankles.

Sure enough, I didn’t suffer from any ankle injuries but my ankles were incredibly weak and this brought a whole dose of problems.

This problem is further worsened in the gym where people used to believe that squats were bad for us if we squatted with our knees past our toes but this has been debunked where this study says:



In Fitness And In Health

Top Writer in Health. I provide actionable insights on Functional Training, Mobility and Hybrid Training. Join my journey as a hybrid athlete!