How Many Different Types of Whole Food Did You Enjoy Today?

Answering this simple question can tell you more about your long-term health than any other.

Schalk Cloete
In Fitness And In Health


Image by silviarita from Pixabay.

Do you sometimes get lost in all the health advice out there? Me too. The near-infinite number of diet plans, fitness programs, and mindfulness practices filling the internet can easily become overwhelming.

Which made me wonder: How much can we simplify things? Or better yet: Could health be boiled down to a single question?

Well, no. But answering the question in the title will tell you more about your long-term health than any other I can think of (do let me know if you come up with a more important one).

So, why is this question so vital? Because it directly addresses the biggest health problem of our time: We’re overfed and undernourished. Filling your body with a wide variety of nutritious foods will not only keep you in great health (perhaps you never get sick again); it will also help you effortlessly maintain a healthy weight.

Why the Emphasis on Variety?

It deserves repeating: The world is overfed and undernourished. Most of the food in our supermarkets is rich in calories and poor in essential micronutrients. This makes our bodies crave…

