How to Master the Barbell Squat: 3 Simple Rules for Success

Strengthen your entire body by performing squats

Scott Mayer
In Fitness And In Health


Credit: Li Sun on Pexels

As a distance runner, I’ve traditionally scoffed at the squat rack.

You become a better runner by running, duh. You want to run faster? Run hills. Incorporate sprints. You want to run longer? Add in weekly long runs. Go for 3 hour walks.

“Barbell squats have no business in a running program,” I would say. “They’re too stressful. They don’t provide value. They’ll compromise recovery.”

Boy was I wrong. Flat out wrong.

Today, I squat 2–3 times per week. I’ve been doing so for years. Of the 10 pounds of muscle I’ve added since 2017, I credit squats with most of those gains.

I’m consistently injury free. My joints, ligaments and tendons are still able to handle the physical beating that running requires, even as I slip into my mid-thirties.

I’m in arguably the best shape of my life. Let’s get you there too.

Here are three simple rules to mastering the barbell squat, the king of all strength-training exercises.

1. Start light

Many folks make the mistake of squatting too much weight too soon.

