How Yin Yoga Helped Reduce My PCOS Symptoms

A natural way to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life

Alyssa Castellanos, MA, Ma.Ed.
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

Are you one of the millions of women who suffer from PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome?

This common hormonal disorder can cause a range of symptoms, from irregular periods to weight gain to infertility.

But what if there was a natural way to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life?

Let’s talk about Yin Yoga.

At the beginning of the year, I was inspired to try a new form of body movement to include in my exercise program aside from weight lifting and spin class.

I was nervous about going to yoga because I consider myself to be incredibly inflexible. A local yoga studio in my community offers a variety of yoga classes, so I figured the only way to fix my lack of mobility is to do something about it.

I reached out to the yoga instructor, asked for advice about where a beginner should start, and he kindly recommended his Yin Yoga class.

I was nowhere near ready to try hot yoga or hot sculpting class, so I took his helpful advice.

And I am so glad I did!



Alyssa Castellanos, MA, Ma.Ed.
In Fitness And In Health

⭐️ A tangled knot of creative introversion & information. I write about how you can make simple decisions in a chaotic world for a happy & comfortable life. ⭐️