I Started Pole Dancing at 30

5 months later, here’s how waltzing on a pole has changed my life

Anangsha Alammyan
In Fitness And In Health


Image by diana.grytsku on Freepik

When I was looking for pictures to add to this article, all the images I got for “Pole Dancer” were of women wearing glossy bikinis and stilettos.

In fact, one of the most common questions I’ve got from people when I shared with them that I’m a pole dancer is this —

“Anangsha, do you wear stilettos while dancing?”

Do I? You tell me!

The pole Superman, a move that took me 3 classes to perfect. (Image by the author)

Pole dancing is more about fitness, core strength, flexibility, and determination than it will ever be about sensuality.

My journey with pole fitness started in August 2022, when I randomly booked one class because the Instagram videos of the instructor looked sexy.

Her name is Pound Kakar, and she’s the founder of the only pole studio in my city, Hyderabad.

Back then, I’d just learned driving, and visiting the pole dance studio was another excuse to drive through the city and get my car out. I never really intended to make this a weekly habit.

