It’s Not What You’re Eating, It’s When You’re Eating

Time-restricted eating may be the easiest path to your health goals.

Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Sander Dalhuisen on Unsplash

Health is confusing. There are so many diets to choose from, exercises to try, and different people saying conflicting things about what is best.

For years I have experimented with different diets and exercises to try to find the best one. And the truth is, there isn’t one. Diet and exercise are highly personal. You can read more about this here.

But there is one strategy that is universal: Time-restricted eating.

You can optimize your health simply by changing your routine, namely, when you take your first bite of the day and when you take your last, and eating on a consistent schedule. This isn’t fasting in the formal definition of the word. You won’t be hungry, you won’t have to avoid all the foods you love. You’re simply changing when and how often you eat. That’s it.

“What about counting calories? What about a low-carb, sugar-free, Paleo, vegan, Mediterranean, Blue Zones, Atkins, or Warrior diet? What about critical supplements like fish oil or green tea? You no longer have to worry about them. Just pause for a second and think — only a hundred years ago people all over the world ate different types of foods depending on where they…



Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health

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