The 12 Foods That Gave Me 12 Consecutive Years of Perfect Health

Thanks to these natural immune-boosters, February 16th, 2009 might have been the last day I ever got sick.

Schalk Cloete
In Fitness And In Health


My 12 special foods as photographed by Janet Cloete.

Remember the last time you got sick? It sucks, right? Lying around wishing away several highly uncomfortable and utterly useless days. What would you give to never have to experience that again?

The good news is that a nutrient-laden diet might be all that’s needed. After a cancer scare back in 2008, I got swept up in a wave of motivation for healthy living, with a healthy diet front and center. My intention was only to prevent more serious diseases in the long-term future, but after a couple of years, I noticed a rather peculiar side-effect: I wasn’t getting sick anymore.

Aside from healthy food, my new healthy lifestyle included plenty of exercise, and Norway’s pristine air and water played their part, too. But the other two pillars of health; sleep and low stress, remained far from ideal for most of my ongoing perfect-health streak.

This tells me that an excellent diet and regular exercise could ward off almost all common illnesses in otherwise healthy individuals. And a diet that supplies the body with every nutrient required to maintain a supercharged immune system must take most…

