How to Train When You’re Cutting

Cutting or calorie deficit diet done right doesn’t have to lead to muscle mass loss

In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

Mistakenly, cutting is addressed as a training strategy in most of the online content. But, by the name, cutting is about eating fewer calories and food to reduce the body fat mass and get leaner.

Hence, cutting is about nutrition but should be followed by a specific training plan as well.

Gaining some extra pounds of fat is not a reason to feel bad. You have actually conditioned your body to shed fat faster than it would if you were in maintenance. As you might know, weight is lost faster in bodies with higher fat mass.

Also, if you’ve been training constantly, part of the gained weight is muscle mass, ready to be revealed within a few weeks of lower calorie intake.

So, why not commit to cutting down on just a few hundred calories and get more toned?

Or, be able to enjoy the meals you want during the weekend, and keep it clean on weekdays. A study on professional bodybuilders found out that bodybuilders use ‘reefed days’ (days where they eat much more than usual) to achieve better weight loss and help them during competitions.



In Fitness And In Health

Freelance content and copy writer with a soft spot for fitness and health brands. Weightlifting junkie.