Why Intermittent Fasting is the ONLY Fitness Hack I Actually Encourage

Coffee can really be all you need in the morning.

Ken Makimsy Middleton
In Fitness And In Health
7 min readSep 4, 2021


“Start the practice of self-control with some penance; begin with fasting.” — Mahavira

EDITORIAL DISCLAIMER: Any advice or recommendation given in my writing is what works for ME and may not be the best regimen for you based on your psychological or physiological makeup and stability. Please consult a doctor when making decisions about your health.

There are a number of different diets out there that will profess to help you lose tons of weight in a short amount of time. In my opinion, many of them are not the type of practices that I would say would yield long-term success.

Whether you are trying to get into ketosis and burn fat with the keto diet or drop 20 pounds in 30 days using Tim Ferris’s slow-carb diet, any diet that promises amazing results in a short period of time typically is not something that is probably good for you long term.

In fact, anything that would fall into the category of a “hack” (originally a trick of some type evolving from the term game hack that would allow you to bypass difficult levels to get rewards without having to put in the work), typically is not something that an individual should continue to do for a long…



Ken Makimsy Middleton
In Fitness And In Health

Alcohol-conscious writer helping people reach their FULL potential in life and their careers. Editor of AINYF | Author of Bamboozled (thebamboozledbook.com)