The Penny Pub Writing Prompt

For the week of 6/17–6/30

Kim Kelly Stamp
The Penny Pub
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2024


Blue and green textured background with ‘The Penny Prompt’ in white script
Created by the author in Canva Pro

This prompt has now expired. Please visit The Penny Pub homepage to see our latest prompt.

Hello, Penny Pub Writers!

If you’re a new writer, please pay close attention to the guideline reminders below. Our pub’s homepage now has a thorough formatting guide (with screenshots) to help you.

Please be aware that we don’t often edit in the evenings and are much slower to pick up submissions over the weekend. Thank you in advance for your patience.

Our current prompt comes from one of our editors, Chevie Hanssler; thank you, Chevie!

Current Prompt

Tell us about a tradition(s) you share with your family or friends.

Oftentimes, families and friends have traditions. Some are set in stone and have carried on for generations, while others are more casual and bend to suit what’s happening at the time. We’d love to hear about your traditions, big or small, that you celebrate with your friends or family members. And we’d like to hear why these traditions are special to you.

Maybe your friends always have lunch at the same place, or your family goes around the dinner table, sharing the best and worst parts



Kim Kelly Stamp
The Penny Pub

Writer. Publisher. Editor. Essayist. Espresso Enthusiast. LGBTQ+. PNW Native. Traveler. Gigi Extraordinaire. Pieces in: NYT, HuffPost, Next Avenue & elsewhere.