Positivity Changes Outcomes

Good Times
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2016

We made it to week 2! Like we said last week, we founded IN GOOD CO on 5 tenets and to ensure these stay top of mind, for the next few weeks we’ll look back on one tenet and add a splash of inspiration to bring them to life. Happy reading!

To find out more about us, check out our website: weareingoodco.com


  • This article isn’t new but we just read Elle Luna’s ‘Crossroads of Should and Must’. It’s one of those ‘I MUST give this to someone’ books. Buy it, borrow it or ask us for our copy.
Image Source: elleluna.com
  • We loved 40 Days of Dating so we can’t wait to see 12 Kinds of Kindness unfold. Have we mentioned we have a serious creative crush on Jessica Walsh? Timothy Goodman’s not too shabby either, right!
Image Source: 12kindsofkindness.com/
  • We’ve all had challenging conversations. This little trick teaches you how a more positive perception can impact the outcome.
Image Source: deathtostock.com, ‘CreativeCommunity5’
  • Barbara Corcoran’s 7 lessons are pretty awesome. As is this quote by Winston Churchill: ‘A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Image Source: barbaracorcoran.com
  • Elon Musk believes in setting the bar high and then letting great minds work, just look at the progress being made on Hyperloop. How AMAZING would it be to get to SF from LA in 30mins?! And reduce shipping pollution…game-changing.
Image Source: thehustle.co

Looking for more awesomeness? Check out weareingoodco.com

Have an awesome day!


