Animals, Athletics, Amusement Parks, Analogue, and Atari

Vanessa Brown
In Living Color
Published in
5 min readNov 27, 2022


A response to In Living Color’s November Challenge

Analogue TVs and the early days of video games. Photo by Cyril Brown.

When JoAnn Ryan tagged me into her A-Z In Living Color challenge, I was excited and up for the task.

As I started to go through my decades of photos to see what A’s existed, I stumbled across my trusty old folder of childhood photos and smiled contentedly as I scrolled through memories of the 70s and 80s.

So, let’s take a ride in the way-back machine to a magical place called the 1970s.


Kirsty Brown — the first kitty I loved deeply. Photo by Cyril Brown.

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m totally obsessed with the feline of the species — cats are my kryptonite and have been since Kirsty Brown, the first cat I ever had, was brought into my world in 1977. I loved her with all my heart and never thought I’d love an animal more until I found Jaime Brown, or he found me) in 2001.

Jaime. Photo by Vanessa Brown.

Animals bring us joy — whether you are a cat or dog person, whether you prefer farm animals or house pets, whether…



Vanessa Brown
In Living Color

Author, content creator, teacher, and recovering digital nomad. I have lived in six countries, five of them with a cat: