Writing — Photography

Can We Make This Story by Dr. Preeti Singh Go Viral? What Do You Think?

The power of the Medium community at work

JoAnn Ryan
In Living Color
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2022


Fuchsia and White Bougainvillea — TT — Photo by JoAnn Ryan

Dear fellow Medium-ites, I hereby argue that we need to make this post by Dr. Preeti Singh go viral, like yesterday:

A bit of explanation (sorry, this is really not meant to be a link drop):

Recently she’d offered this response to my photo challenge here on In Living Color:

In my own ‘B’ offering “Beautiful Babies, Berries, Bears, Bougainvillea… and Banana Cream Pie! 😋” I had talked about my most viewed post, with 3.4k views and counting:



JoAnn Ryan
In Living Color

A complete mess but always striving to do better. Owner of Globetrotters, In Living Color and The Midnight Garden.