Science of Color

Photo story

Sujit Chakraborty
In Living Color
3 min readMay 17, 2024


Photo by the author

Whenever we see or even think about flowers, we see various attractive colors that offer us joyful moments. But recently I came to learn about the science of colors which is related to the study of colors that involve light and optics.

Photo by the author

Color science also includes physiology, psychophysics, modeling of color vision, and color reproduction. Colorimetry is the science and technology that quantifies and describes human color perception.

Photo by the author

I was curious to learn why we become happy when we see colorful flowers! I have learnt recently that seeing flowers triggers the flow of a chemical called serotonin which is popularly known as happy hormone. Serotonin communicates such messages from our brain that play a vital role in many body functions including mood and physical well-being.

Photo by the author

Want to go deeper? Then go for color psychology which is the study of how different colors affect human mood and behavior. Color is a powerful communication tool that can be used to signal action, influence mood and physiological reactions. Certain colors are also found to be associated with physiological changes which are related to increased blood pressure, increased metabolism and eyestrain.

Photo by the author

Scientific exploration of color psychology is relatively new while it was known to the ancient world that colors can be used to treat different psychological conditions and to influence emotions as well. In our country (India), colors have also played a vital role in different spiritual practices since long ago.

All said and done, at the end of the day when I see those photos of colorful nature captured by me and spend joyful moments with them, I forget about science or commerce and want to enjoy only the art of life. Yes, that’s it. I also feel the urge to share my joy with you. Please let me know how you feel when you see them!

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