Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. The Best Post-Disney Star Wars Film.

Atheist Bale
Published in
14 min readJan 23, 2020


Rey reaching out to The Force, as he…Luke-s on.

I love The Last Jedi. I don’t think there has been a Star Wars movie in quite some time that brought something new, something fresh to the table. It still has hints of rehash and nostalgia to it, but doesn’t reek of it like The Force Awakens or Rogue One. George Lucas once said that Star Wars is more about rhyming than repeating. I think The Last Jedi is a perfect deliverance on that idea. This movie came out and was almost immediately bombed by people claiming it was “SJW propaganda” or “killed Star Wars” or that odd argument that “Disney is only in it for the money.” Well yeah, as I said before, Star Wars is the most merchandised out the wazoo franchise I’ve ever seen, this movie isn’t “SJW propaganda” so much as basic representation, and it didn’t kill Star Wars, it elevated it. Thankfully those people are a loud minority of the Star Wars fan base, as I’ve had nice conversations with many people who both liked or disliked the film, but we always found common ground. Figured I’d just address the bantha in the room before proceeding.

Rian Johnson is an excellent director. I think if this movie had been a spinoff like Rogue One or Solo, less people would be upset. But…I really don’t care. I think this is by far the best film in the Sequel Trilogy, and the best Star Wars film since Empire Strikes Back. I love Return



Atheist Bale

I’m not a pessimist, I’m correct. Follow me for troglodyte slaying 101.