It’s a New Dawn, It’s a New Day, and Our Writing Shows It

Ramona Grigg
Indelible Ink
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4 min readMar 13, 2021

When Joe Biden was finally and forevermore declared the winner of the presidential election (long before Donald Trump accepted it), in most corners a collective sigh went out and when those of us on pins and needles could take a deep breath and relax, everything seemed to change.

Here at Indelible Ink, it was no different. The submissions moved from political (and personal) angst to waking up, looking around, and seeing life again. For the first time in a long time. even with the threat of COVID still looming, we felt the heaviness lift.

But first, in ‘One Nation Worlds Apart’, Karie Liudens describes what the days after the insurrection felt like from 2000 miles away.

In ‘Lessons on Letting Go’ Aabye Gayle F gives us a first hand look at how COVID changed our priorities, often for the better:

The admittedly gregarious Ruchi Das tells the riveting story of getting out from under the spell of a narcissist with her real self intact:

Aabye Gayle F. pays loving tribute to the man who raised her to be the woman she is today.

In ‘Rewilding: A Return to the Writing Life’, Renee Podunovich shows how guilty wandering can enrich our writing, even when we think we’re not creating.

Carol Anne Shaw writes about ugly man-sweaters and how they improved her writing. Funny how the oddest things work — and I do mean ‘funny’.

Nayanika Saikia writes a poignant letter to her ex, giving herself permission to leave the past behind.

In ‘Who’s Been Drinking My Liquor?’ Ginger Henry Kuenzel makes us laugh out loud at what can happen when seasonal residents close up their cottages and wave goodbye to those who promise to take care of them.

In ‘On Baby Goats, Deep-Fried Pickles, Cellulite, and the Unwavering Significance of Cheese’, Carol Anne Shaw writes about ‘Punching Your Reader With the Feels’. (You could learn from this!)

And in ‘Water Is My Existence’, I discover how the need to be near water has shaped my life.

There are many more stories I’m sorry I couldn’t fit in here. I’m crazy about the writers who share their work on Indelible Ink and I’m proud to be a part of their writing journey.

Please read their stories and don’t forget to reward them with 50 claps (Yes, 50! Medium doesn’t tell you you can go to 50, and the writers themselves aren’t allowed to tell you, but I can!), highlighting the parts that call to you, and commenting when you have something yourself to share.

Thanks for taking the time to wander with us today. At Indelible Ink the welcome mat is always out.

If you’re a writer interested in writing for us I point you to our Submission Guidelines. Please read carefully to make sure you understand what we’re looking for. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you need to. My email address is in there.


