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India Law and Technology Blog
India Law and Technology Blog
A policy and law blog on internet, media and telecom.
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Press Statement given by Shri Kapil Sibal on 2G Spectrum Issues

Image by JonJon2k8 via Flickr

Questioning the very basis of the specter of corruption raised around the last round of 2G licenses, Mr. Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Communications and…

Schadenfreude in Mandarin

With Google exiting china we can hardly hide our glee. It seems the tiger may finally steal a march over the…

4G Pre Consultation : Prophecy and Forecast

The TRAI on the 10th February, 2010 has invited comments on a pre-consultation paper…

The Folly of Convention

TRAI recently issued a consultation paper on Media Ownership where it was concerned with the increase in cross-ownership and reduction in media plurality. After some research I came across several FCC commissioned studies which concluded that there was a lack of evidence to link the…