Go to India Unlimited
India Unlimited
We bring pieces from across India and beyond, to bring up the spicy flavours of life in the world’s largest and the most diverse democracy.
Note from the editor

We bring pieces from across India and beyond, to bring up the spicy flavours of life in the world’s largest and the most diverse democracy.

Go to the profile of Shagun Sharma
Shagun Sharma
Business consultant. Doesn’t publish daily, writes daily. Reads and writes on philosophy, society, business, science | Published in The Ascent
Go to the profile of Garima
A Dostoevskian Dream
Go to the profile of Garima
A Dostoevskian Dream
Go to the profile of Aman Kumar
Aman Kumar
poems speak and stories convey, and among them somewhere in between a dynamically static I lay
Go to the profile of Niteesh Shanbog
Niteesh Shanbog
Public Policy | Electrical Engineer