Redesign of “Thoughts and Ideas”

We have a new look and a new logo

Thoughts And Ideas


As you may have noticed, our publication “Thought and Ideas” has a completely new look and feel. We have a new logo and a new homepage design. This is one of the reasons why I was appointed as the new editor.

Screenshot by author

This new design is a colorful, yet simple and minimal representation of our growing, long-established Medium publication with over 23K readers and writers. Its main feature is the bright logo that incorporates a similar orange-yellow mixture as our old logo background and detail color, but more toned-down.

The font is called “Bitter” and can be found for free on Google Fonts.

The background color is a matt bluish-green with the HEX code “12818B”.

The yellow text logo uses the HEX color “FFCA25”. Everything else is plain white. As our small logo or avatar, I picked a simple, abstract combination of the “T” and “i” in our name that picks up the yellow color of the main text logo.

With this redesign, we hope to give “Thoughts and Ideas” a more modern, contemporary, yet colorful and quirky vibe that fits the diverse and exceptional group of writers and readers on Medium.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you like the new look. And happy writing! Connect with me:


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Thoughts And Ideas

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