Go to Innovation Factory
Innovation Factory
Open Innovation. Transformación cultural. Change management. Startups. Intrapreneurship.
Note from the editor

Open Innovation. Transformación cultural. Change management. Startups. Intrapreneurship.

Go to the profile of Tomás Costanzo
Tomás Costanzo
Innovador | Data Scientist | Emprendedor Político | Fundador de IDX | Fundador de @IdeasFactoryAR | Fundador de #InnovationFactory | Presidente del @IECyTorg
Go to the profile of Juan Betancourt
Juan Betancourt
Entrepebeliever & change maker, explorando nuevos modelos virtuosos de vinculación entre los negocios y el talento humano.
Go to the profile of Romina C.
Romina C.
I promote community enablement and LeanMKT; blending innovation and design thinking. Lean In member, ASEA Founding Partner & Ballenas.org’ benefactor.