Marching into May…

…with 3 new updates

The Official inFeedo Blog
3 min readApr 30, 2017


1.) Improved Accuracy of Mood Calculation Algorithms

As shared in our last update, for quite some time we’ve been working on improving the accuracy of our mood calculation algorithms. These set of algorithms help us highlight People who need attention and the Overall Mood of your organisation.

Earlier we only took into account the following factors while computing the above:
1. How people feel in general at that stage in their lifecycle — Answer to the first question (anchor question with emojis).
2. How people have answered the different questions Amber asks them at that stage in their lifecycle — Sentiment of all their answers.
3. How recently have they joined the organization — Recency of the stage in their lifecycle.

Now, we’ve expanded our factors to two new components:
1. Variation in mood between two different chats to factor in the dips in a person’s journey.
2. A factor based on the organisation’s size and industry to match it against similar organisations in that segment.

We take all these ingredients, mix them up with a secret sauce and voilà, we serve you hot and fresh analytics in Amber’s dashboard.

Next Station: Predictive Analytics using Machine Learning!
The next step after this will be utilising Artificial Intelligence in Analytics to:
1. Predict People who are most likely to leave based on their conversations.
2. Predict the health of your organisation down the line for preemptive corrections and measures.
3. …and much more.

2.) Amber will now send read receipts to people once their responses are read

While interacting with people, the most frustrating thing about internal surveys, they said, was how it seemed like a formality. There was no way of knowing how their responses were being addressed or if their responses were even being read.

Amber was built keeping in mind these inefficiencies in regular survey tools and now Amber will send out an acknowledgement email to people once their responses are read by any admin. These emails will be sent out based on the overall sentiment of the chat. Here’s how an email for a positive chat will look like:

This is an opt-in feature. You can get in touch with us at to enable this in your organisation.

You can also track the status of each chat to see if it has been already read or closed.

Here, icon beside the first chat shows it has been read while the icon beside the second chat signifies the chat has been closed.

3.) Higher Response Rate and Lower Chat Drops through our new Chat Interface

From quite some time, we’ve been facing issues around access to chat. People on legacy systems have been unable to have a chat with Amber. The same issue is faced by people with slow internet connections or old devices.

More than 75% of our issues were with….well, Internet Explorer. This led to lower response rate and higher chat drops.

In the last two weeks, we have worked on rebuilding our chat interface to provide a wide legacy support for a seamless and uninterrupted chat experience to all our users, even those using Internet Explorer 9!

Here’s how the new chat interface looks like:

That’s all in this update. In our next update, you’ll hear more about how we’re adding access control to Amber’s reports. This will allow you to share selective reports with department heads or your colleagues to better address each chat.

See you again soon! :)

