Smart People Analytics Report — Health of your organization in less than 30 seconds.

The Official inFeedo Blog
3 min readMar 6, 2017
We also made 8 tiny enhancements and 4 bug fixes in this release to improve usability. Let us know if you spot them. If you find more than 5, we have something for you. ;)

This is our second edition folks! :)

We released Amber’s all-new Smart Analytics Dashboard last week. In this edition, we take a deep dive into what exactly is “Smart” about the new dashboard.

As mentioned in our last edition, Amber has been generating tons of data daily and that’s enough clay for us to make bricks. What makes Amber’s reports unique is our strong Sentiment Analysis backend which is powered by a combination of the best libraries and platforms out there. This allows us to generate meaningful insights from qualitative textual analysis. While this is something which will always be a work in progress, let’s take a look at what we’ve brought in the current release.

1.) Average Mood across organization

Mood in the top-right corner shares real-time mood of your organization based on the conversations people have had with Amber so far.

This chart perfectly visualizes the mood of your organization over different stages of a person’s lifecycle and time. Built-in filters allow you to visualize data across departments and locations.

2.) Average Mood across Top 3 Departments

3 pre-existing templates allow you to compare mood across: Top 3 Departments by Size, Top 3 Departments by Happiness Score and Bottom 3 Departments by Happiness Score. You can further compare statistics between departments by adding them to the chart from a list of all departments in your organizations. Nifty, right? Same goes for the locations.

3.) Absolute Mood across organization

While an averaged view displays the averaged mood across organization, this bar chart displays the absolute mood and shows you EXACTLY how many people are feeling particularly. A list of these people can easily be viewed by clicking on the mood.

4.) In-depth Stage Analysis

Cluster Insights after Completing 1.5 Years

An in-depth analysis of a stage can be done in one-click. You can find out how people at that stage are feeling along with their responses.


The Data Science team has got much more in the works. We’d love to hear your feedback, suggestions, comments and thoughts. Go ahead and let us know! ❤

Did you know?

You can cycle through all responses by using just your arrow keys to go left and right.

In the next edition..

Export your data offline

We’ve got this request many times and now it’s coming. The option to export your data for offline analysis will be on Amber within the next two weeks.

Shareable Views

You will be able to share limited reports with your colleagues or line managers who do not have the access to Amber’s Dashboard. This will allow you to distribute and delegate tasks to the right people.

While we are constantly working on getting more and more features to you quickly and making your experience on Amber more insightful and actionable, we’d love to hear suggestions from you on how we can achieve this. Was this release helpful? Let us know. :)

