Announcing the Infinicoin Airdrop Date

Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2018

A few weeks ago we announced the details of the Infinicoin (INF) airdrop & airgrab. To date, over 14,000 EOS accounts have already air-grabbed INF, ensuring that they receive a 1:1 airdrop. Today, we are pleased to announce the date that the INF airdrop will take place, as well as the snapshot that will be used.

Snapshot & Airdrop Date

The Infinicoin airdrop snapshot will be taken on the 26th of November, at 00:00:00 UTC. We will use the EOSSNAPSHOTS.IO service provided by block producer EOS New York. EOS Flare, a fantastic EOS block explorer, has kindly agreed to make us a snapshot of all users that have air-grabbed INF. The actual airdrop will take place within 24 hours of the snapshot. The per-account cap will be revealed after the airdrop. Immediately after the airdrop is complete, the Infiniverse land auction will be live. In our next blog post we will detail the mechanics of the land auction.

Chaince Listing

At this time, we are also happy to announce that INF will be listed for trading on Chaince, a cryptoasset exchange focused on EOS projects, immediately after the airdrop. Users storing their EOS on Chaince will receive a 1:1 airdrop. This listing will provide liquidity for Infinicoin, allowing users to buy additional INF in order to register larger pieces of land, or bid on valuable land plots during the auction.

Chintai Support

We can also confirm that our airdrop will support users lending their EOS on Chintai. The team at Chintai have provided us with the tools to create a snapshot of all EOS lenders on their platform. Therefore, any EOS held by the Chintai smart contract will count towards the lender’s balance in the airdrop.


We hope that this article explains any last remaining questions about the Infinicoin airdrop. If you are unsure about anything, feel free to stop by our Telegram channel. If you haven’t air-grabbed INF yet, you have just over a week remaining to double your airdrop allocation. We look forward to welcoming everyone onto our live platform very soon!

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Infiniverse is an augmented reality digital world running on the EOS blockchain.