The Blogging Influence: Why blogging is important to Brands and Influencers

Shawn Keo
Influencer Creation
4 min readOct 3, 2018

You have most probably heard about blogging and the importance of having one in today’s social media marketing environment. Blogging is essential to your online content marketing strategy because it is the most inexpensive way to get you more online visibility.

For any type of business, having a business blog is a must, because helpful blog content can influence conversions.

What does “Influence Conversions” mean?

By consistent blogging, you boost your search engine optimization (SEO), build brand awareness, and overall increase your online exposure. To influence conversions mean you are making the most of your website traffic which often leads to positioning yourself top in online competition, establishing audience engagement, gaining client acquisition, and ultimately leading to sales.

“Just like social media, blogging is a marketing channel”.

So we accomplished the importance of blogging for Brands, but what about Influencers?

Bloggers and Influencers

Bloggers and influencers have a distinction but are quite compatible. The terms nowadays are excessively used without knowing its proper meaning, but the matter is not press-concerning since they’re all pursuing the same objective — to influence.

There was a time when influencers do not have their own established platforms outside of social media, meaning Instagram was (and still is) the only go-to channel for any influencer marketing outreach.

by Elijah O'Donnell on Unsplash

Now, in this ever-changing Internet marketing world, influencers who seek growth often times go outside the channels to build a website under their own brand. Additionally, their personal IG accounts are switched to “business” under “BLOG” or “Public Figure”as the business category.

IG @oliviarink

Back to bloggers, as their content gets distributed and shared across multiple outlets, this helps acquire more traffic in the process and leading to more exposure —in the same manner like influence and grow an audience of readers/followers.

That being the case — are bloggers and influencers so much different? While both roles can function without the other — undeniably they do coexist.

So why should you blog?

See, influencers should realize that in order to expand their network and extend their voices, they need to, simply blog.

Blogging gives you a stronger outreach.

Don’t undervalue the power of influencer marketing and limit yourself to only sponsored ads. There are many creative ways to express word of mouth and blogging is one of the most effective ways to do so.

“Did you know 86% of influencers are bloggers?”

Your followers already find you interesting (hence the follow), so by writing about your experiences, interests, thoughts on a product/services, (or even some typical daily journaling) will greatly affect them (the readers) to engage — in which all sums down to developing and “influencing” new and existing relationships.

“Blogging is not only a hobby or social activity, but a collaborative process of CO-CREATION in which both bloggers and readers engage.”

Maybe you already have a business blog or blog site on your own, that’s great. One other way to increase traffic is to distribute your blog content here on IC Influence Publication.

We publish stories, including ours, for everyone in the community to get motivated and connect.

Contributing to IC means your content will be published to a group of like-minded readers which will open more opportunities for sharing.

Want to learn how you can become a blogger of influence? — Connect with us

