Blazor Server Project #1: How to Create CRUD Operation
For a single table using Dapper with SQL Server database
Published in
15 min readJul 31, 2020
Table of Contents
- Overview
- SQL Server Installation
- Creating the BookDB Database
▸ Publisher Table: Add Data and Create Stored Procedures - Creating a Blazor Server Project
▸ Deleting File
▸ Delete Lines of Codes
▸ Creating Database Connection Strings - Package Installation
▸ Check installed packages
▸ Dapper Installation
▸ Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer Installation
▸ List of Installed Packages - Files Supporting CRUD Operation
▸ Entity File: Publisher.cs
▸ Interface Files
▸ Method Files
▸ Component Files *. Razor
▸ File Modification - References
This article is the first in a series covering the Blazor Server Project:
(1) How to create a CRUD operation using Dapper
(2) Building a dropdown list involves a 1:N relationship
(3) How to implement a checkbox list involving an M:N relationships
(4) Understanding URL routing and navigation
(5) Creating and using page layout
(6) How to create a reusable modal dialog component
(7) Practical guide to making a master-detail page
(8) Master-detail page using dynamic query
(9) How to avoid SQL injection…