Blazor Server Project #9: How to Avoid SQL Injection Attacks

Dynamic SQL queries are vulnerable to SQL injection. One way to prevent attacks is to implement input validation using character encoding

M. Ramadhan


Table of Contents

· Introduction
· SQL Injection Attacks
Viewing data more than it should
Viewing the list of database objects
Inserting commands
Inserting comment separator
· Avoiding SQL Injection Attacks
· Implementing Avoidance of SQLi Attacks
· Summary
· References

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

This article is the ninth in a series covering the Blazor Server Project:
(1) How to create a CRUD operation using Dapper
(2) Building a dropdown list involves a 1:N relationship
(3) How to implement a checkbox list involving an M:N relationships
(4) Understanding URL routing and navigation
(5) Creating and using page layout
(6) How to create a reusable modal dialog component
(7) Practical guide to making a master-detail page
(8) Master-detail page using dynamic query
(9) How to avoid SQL injection attacks
(10) Hiding/showing HTML elements



M. Ramadhan

I’m a database designer and developer, childhood in Menggala, living in Palembang.