Go to INGAT 65
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Note from the editor

Ingat65 adalah proyek penceritaan kisah secara digital untuk mengingat periode 1965 di Indonesia secara kolektif melalui pengalaman pribadi keluarga dan masyarakat. Ini merupakan proyek mengingat yang dilakukan oleh generasi pasca-65 untuk membagi cerita mereka mengenai bagaimana mereka mengetahui periode kelam ini dan bagaimana ini memengaruhi keluarga dan komunitas di sekitar mereka. Ingat65 merupakan wadah bagi generasi muda untuk menyuarakan harapan mereka untuk masa depan dan sebuah gerakan independen yang tidak condong pada pandangan politik tertentu.

Go to the profile of Prodita K. Sabarini
Prodita K. Sabarini
Wartawan. Editor The Conversation Indonesia dan inisiator Ingat65.
Go to the profile of ika krismantari
ika krismantari
redaktur pelaksana @INGAT65, wartawan seumur hidup dan ibu dua anak yang tinggal di kampung pinggiran Jakarta
Go to the profile of Priska Siagian
Priska Siagian
Perempuan yang merayakan hidupnya dengan merangkai kata-kata. Tapi sumpah dia bukan tukang gombal
Go to the profile of nidandelion
Mother nature’s daughter
Go to the profile of Febriana Firdaus
Febriana Firdaus
Independent Investigative Journalist and documentary filmmaker.
Go to the profile of Maria Serenade Sinurat
Maria Serenade Sinurat
Editor di @Ingat65. Wartawan lepas yang sedang meriset model bisnis jurnalisme digital.
Go to the profile of Ariyantri E. Tarman
Ariyantri E. Tarman
Editor and Translator of INGAT 65. Freelance translator and editor for other interesting things, such as trees and dances, and sometimes tree dances.
Go to the profile of Ellena Ekarahendy
Ellena Ekarahendy
Visual culture + political discourses. De omnibus dubitandum.
Go to the profile of Muhammad Fatchurofi
Muhammad Fatchurofi
Merancang grafis untuk Ingat65 — Menjalankan kolkas.net bersama teman-teman.
Go to the profile of Rika Theo
Rika Theo
Jurnalis informal, peduli isu perempuan dan pluralisme. Saat ini bantu-bantu di Ingat 65 dan masih berkelana di negeri orang.
Go to the profile of Hilman Handoni
Hilman Handoni
museologist. podcast producer.
Go to the profile of Christmastuti Destriyani
Christmastuti Destriyani
Christmas yang lahir tidak tepat pada Natal. Suka jajan buku dan makanan. Bercita-cita untuk membuka perpustakaan di Mars.
Go to the profile of Ika Ningtyas
Ika Ningtyas
Freelance journalist
Go to the profile of Sep Andry
Sep Andry
Pegiat Media.
Go to the profile of Alvin Nicola
Alvin Nicola
Criminology of Behaviour Enthusiast
Go to the profile of margio
“Stories matter. Many stories matter” - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The danger of a single story.
Go to the profile of Prodita K. Sabarini
Prodita K. Sabarini
Wartawan. Editor The Conversation Indonesia dan inisiator Ingat65.
Go to the profile of Priska Siagian
Priska Siagian
Perempuan yang merayakan hidupnya dengan merangkai kata-kata. Tapi sumpah dia bukan tukang gombal
Go to the profile of ika krismantari
ika krismantari
redaktur pelaksana @INGAT65, wartawan seumur hidup dan ibu dua anak yang tinggal di kampung pinggiran Jakarta
Go to the profile of nidandelion
Mother nature’s daughter
Go to the profile of Febriana Firdaus
Febriana Firdaus
Independent Investigative Journalist and documentary filmmaker.
Go to the profile of Ken Setiawan
Ken Setiawan
Ken Setiawan lahir di Jakarta dan dibesarkan di Indonesia dan Belanda. Kini tinggal dan bekerja di Melbourne, Australia.
Go to the profile of Elyzabeth Winda
Elyzabeth Winda
Inquisitive. Occasionally posting snaps at https://www.instagram.com/bethwinda/
Go to the profile of margareth.aritonang
Wartawan berbasis di Jakarta.
Go to the profile of Rika Theo
Rika Theo
Jurnalis informal, peduli isu perempuan dan pluralisme. Saat ini bantu-bantu di Ingat 65 dan masih berkelana di negeri orang.
Go to the profile of Ariyantri E. Tarman
Ariyantri E. Tarman
Editor and Translator of INGAT 65. Freelance translator and editor for other interesting things, such as trees and dances, and sometimes tree dances.
Go to the profile of Berto Tukan
Berto Tukan
Dari Larantuka, Flores Timur. Setelah SMA hijrah ke Jakarta. Kini mahasiswa Magister Filsafat, STF Driyarkara. Aktif di ruangrupa dan IndoPROGRESS.
Go to the profile of Rima Febriani
Rima Febriani
Born in, raised with, and exposed to the multicultural Indonesia, she’s still looking for her home
Go to the profile of Widiatmoko Putranto
Widiatmoko Putranto
Penyuka lotek, penggemar tram dan pendengar Dick Diver.
Go to the profile of Puri Lestari
Go to the profile of Taufiq Hanafi
Taufiq Hanafi
kerap tidak ingat akan banyak hal.
Go to the profile of Syifa M.
Syifa M.
Go to the profile of Merlyna Lim
Merlyna Lim
Lahir di Dayeuh Kolot, bermukim di Kanada. Cendekia, profesor, penyanyi jazz-dut, koki amatir, suka main musik dan corat-coret menggambar dimana-mana.
Go to the profile of Rangga Purbaya
Rangga Purbaya
Fotografer, seniman dan pengelola ruang seni
Go to the profile of Irene Tantri
Irene Tantri
Buruh tidak tetap. Tinggal di pinggiran Yogya. Aktif sebagai pendamping anak2 penyintas kekerasan seksual
Go to the profile of Evi Mariani
Evi Mariani
Journalist and founder of public service journalism initiative, Project Multatuli, at projectmultatuli.org.
Go to the profile of rilis dua sen
rilis dua sen
Hidup sungguh sangat sederhana. Yang hebat-hebat hanya tafsirannya. [Pramoedya Ananta Toer]
Go to the profile of Yessi Crosita
Yessi Crosita
Yessi Crosita adalah seorang ibu, dokter dan guru bahasa Inggris. Menulis merupakan caranya untuk mencatat dan memahami perjalanannya.
Go to the profile of Whisnu Yonar
Go to the profile of Dyah Kathy
Dyah Kathy
A naivete who is trying to make sense of this crazy world
Go to the profile of Dwi Tupani
Dwi Tupani
a journalist, a mother, a responsible dreamer
Go to the profile of Kahfi Ananda Giatama
Kahfi Ananda Giatama
Pegiat. Untuk korespondensi ngalor ngidul hingga diskusi bernas bisa dihubungi disini: @kahfiananda8
Go to the profile of Patrick Tantra
Patrick Tantra
Arsitek dan peneliti di salah satu universitas di London.
Go to the profile of Teressa Warianto
Teressa Warianto
A student of politics — and of the world, from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
Go to the profile of sebastianpartogi
Journalist and promotional copywriter at The Jakarta Post
Go to the profile of Zuhana Anibuddin Zuhro
Zuhana Anibuddin Zuhro
Ibu rumah tangga, penulis lepas, tinggal di Jember.
Go to the profile of Stanley Widianto
Stanley Widianto
dying in anybody’s footsteps. journalist / writer for The Guardian, The Jakarta Post, VICE, Daily Red Bull Music Academy, etc..
Go to the profile of Asrida Elisabeth
Asrida Elisabeth
Sedang belajar menulis dan menyutradarai dokumenter
Go to the profile of Sari Safitri Mohan
Sari Safitri Mohan
If you smell something, say something. Media junkie. Balter-ina.
Go to the profile of Diah Wahyuningsih Naat
Diah Wahyuningsih Naat
Mengajar Sejarah di SMA N. 4 Batam
Go to the profile of Iqbal Aji Daryono
Iqbal Aji Daryono
Buruh transportasi, penulis buku “Out of The Truck Box”. Tinggal sementara di Australia, sebentar lagi akan mudik ke Jogja.
Go to the profile of Eric Sasono
Go to the profile of Sicilia Sirhandinatha
Sicilia Sirhandinatha
Sementara masih menjadi ibu rumah tangga biasa dengan banyak acara
Go to the profile of Hayu Hamemayu
Hayu Hamemayu
Mantan pengajar Komunikasi dan Media. Kini bekerja sebagai penulis lepas, tinggal di Lund, Swedia dan menulis apa saja di: https://hayuhamemayu.com/
Go to the profile of Geril Dwira
Geril Dwira
Jalan kaki di akhir pekan demi menjaga kewarasan di mamakota.
Go to the profile of Efrial Ruliandi Silalahi
Go to the profile of Nurdiyansah Dalidjo
Nurdiyansah Dalidjo
Unapologetic queer writer who seeks to memorialize the role of spices as the ingredients that fueled the revolution in Indonesia. Instagram: @penjelajah_rempah
Go to the profile of Nadyazura
Using Medium as Toilet basicly what I wrote here are shit(s)
Go to the profile of Yudi B
Yudi B
Two things that I do: reading the books while hiking the mountain, and hiking the mountain of books while reading
Go to the profile of Ni Made Purnama Sari
Ni Made Purnama Sari
Poet and novelist. Live in Indonesia
Go to the profile of Adrian Mulya
Adrian Mulya
Photographer | adrianmulya.com
Go to the profile of Iit Boit
Iit Boit
Mother of two. Living in the land of @omuniuum. Part time @limunas and full time life lover.
Go to the profile of Dyah Apsari
Dyah Apsari
An Indonesian in San Francisco
Go to the profile of Intan Nuka
Intan Nuka
Semua hal baik harus disebarkan agar energi positifnya bisa dirasakan oleh siapa saja dan dimana saja. Saat ini tinggal di Kupang, NTT.
Go to the profile of Yulius Tandyanto
Yulius Tandyanto
Seorang pembaca buku. Saat ini lagi baca buku “Waktu dan Narasi”
Go to the profile of Viriya Paramita Singgih
Viriya Paramita Singgih
Wartawan yang bermukim di Jakarta.
Go to the profile of Muhammad Rizki Arif Suryo
Go to the profile of Albertus Prahasta Wibowo
Albertus Prahasta Wibowo
Mahasiswa Sinematografi Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Go to the profile of Klara Esti
Klara Esti
Gemar berkhayal dan membaca. Kini aktif sebagai peneliti di lembaga riset CIPG (http://cipg.or.id/).
Go to the profile of Lutfi
a behind-the-scene enthusiast. unapologetic cynic.
Go to the profile of Fikri Angga Reksa
Fikri Angga Reksa
A reader. A (good) listener. An extraverted feeler.
Go to the profile of Bima Satria Putra
Go to the profile of Kuncoro Hadi
Kuncoro Hadi
penulis dan peneliti lepas
Go to the profile of Tirzah Jessica Sihotang
Go to the profile of Kartika Winta
Kartika Winta
Ibu magang tinggal di Melbourne.
Go to the profile of Zaki Habibi
Zaki Habibi
Peneliti kajian media dan budaya visual dalam lingkup ruang perkotaan, saat ini tinggal dan bekerja di Lund, Swedia. http://bit.ly/ZakiHabibiLUkom
Go to the profile of Fajar Arianto
Fajar Arianto
Pengelana Kata, Pembelajar Dunia.
Go to the profile of Rere Irene
Rere Irene
Journalism student, cooking enthusiast, have interest on mental health and human right issue.
Go to the profile of respati wasesa
respati wasesa
pengasuh sukarno.org
Go to the profile of Alia An Nadhiva
Alia An Nadhiva
Penulis lepas yang aktif menulis tentang kesehatan dan parenting. Pernah menjadi wartawan lifestyle setelah lulus dari Jurusan Jurnalistik Fikom Unpad.
Go to the profile of Nuzul Mboma
Nuzul Mboma
Penikmat kopi nigeria & peternak ayam ketawa
Go to the profile of Giany Amorita
Go to the profile of Sita Dewi
Sita Dewi
An ordinary woman. A proud mother of a healthy and adorable boy.
Go to the profile of Gloria Fransisca Katharina
Gloria Fransisca Katharina
Human | Woman | Indonesian | Journalist | Writer
Go to the profile of Irvine Prisilia
Irvine Prisilia
Creative Director based in Bangkok
Go to the profile of B. Sofranita
B. Sofranita
Kebenaran mutlak ada pada pengadilan Tuhan — kebenaran relatif hadir di tiap perjuangan kemanusiaan.
Go to the profile of Elma Adisya
Elma Adisya
menulis untuk membantu sesama manusia.
Go to the profile of Muchamad Sidik
Muchamad Sidik
Bass guitarist and part-time writer who tends to disagree…
Go to the profile of Jessica Widartha
Jessica Widartha
Speechless, but full of words.
Go to the profile of Ade Mardiyati
Go to the profile of Christmastuti Destriyani
Christmastuti Destriyani
Christmas yang lahir tidak tepat pada Natal. Suka jajan buku dan makanan. Bercita-cita untuk membuka perpustakaan di Mars.
Go to the profile of Jonathan
co-founder Sekolah Kita Rumpin | film buff | Jaringan GUSDURian
Go to the profile of Nadia Fourina
Nadia Fourina
Kpopalypse Sidebar Girl
Go to the profile of Bunga Ramadani
Bunga Ramadani
a storyteller
Go to the profile of Harry S. Waluyo
Go to the profile of ditanadine
Go to the profile of Kim Al Ghozali
Kim Al Ghozali
Go to the profile of Natasya Salim
Natasya Salim
Mahasiswi penyuka seni
Go to the profile of Shanti Norita
Go to the profile of S. Sandra Dewi
S. Sandra Dewi
Sosok dewasa yang terjebak di tubuh anak kecil (Bukan Conan)
Go to the profile of Santini
A criminology graduate.
Go to the profile of Fian
Go to the profile of margio
“Stories matter. Many stories matter” - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The danger of a single story.
Go to the profile of Lalu MS Aulia Sastra
Lalu MS Aulia Sastra
an alter ego of a pilgrim in this universe | bit.ly/quretalalusastra
Go to the profile of Ratrikala Bhre Aditya
Ratrikala Bhre Aditya
Lahir pada tahun 1986, bekerja di bidang audio visual. Fiksi atau dokumenter, mana saja yang bisa paling baik menceritakan sebuah peristiwa.
Go to the profile of Bagas Yusuf Kausan
Bagas Yusuf Kausan
Enter a short bio
Go to the profile of Winda Charmila
Go to the profile of Benni Yusriza
Benni Yusriza
Seorang dosen paruh waktu.
Go to the profile of RIAN ADHIVIRA PRABOWO
Anggota PMS-HAM (Perkumpulan Masyarakat Semarang untuk Hak Asasi Manusia) dan aktif di SRI (Satjipto Rahardjo Institute).
Go to the profile of Rachel Surijata
Rachel Surijata
3rd year Anthropology and Media student with an affinity for arts and the audio form.
Go to the profile of Salshadilla Juwita
Go to the profile of Harun Ona Rumbarar
Harun Ona Rumbarar
Pegiat film di Papuan Voices.
Go to the profile of Wulan K. Wardhani
Wulan K. Wardhani
Sport lover, cat lover and media worker
Go to the profile of Arrial TSR
Go to the profile of Rifki Akbar Pratama
Rifki Akbar Pratama
is a researcher whose work revolves around the field of cultural-historical psychology and a member of KUNCI Study Forum and Collective
Go to the profile of Saddam Cahyo
Saddam Cahyo
Warga Negara Republik. Alumni Sosiologi FISIP Unila. Penikmat buku dan barang antik.
Go to the profile of Antonius June
Go to the profile of Andanti
Speak love without fear
Go to the profile of Rizkina Aliya
Rizkina Aliya
I’m boring and basic because my favourite pastime is reading
Go to the profile of Apuet Machfud
Go to the profile of Raisa Widiastari
Raisa Widiastari
Selene 6.23 || be a witch they cannot burn.
Go to the profile of Reza Pahlevi
Go to the profile of Yogi Esa
Yogi Esa
Go to the profile of Rosa Mariany