#FeatureWeek — #AYearInReview — Part 4 Q4 2019

Ben Mancini
Ingeniously Simple
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2019

It’s the final countdown — duh duh duh duh, duh duh duh duh duh…

Our final #FeatureWeek post covering #AYearInReview as we look back at Q4 of 2019. So sit back and join us for the final recap of the last years’ worth of content.

October 2019

October welcomed a big date for us here at Redgate. 20 years old. Not quite old enough to get the keys to the house, but old enough to have a tipple or two. We celebrated in the only way we know how, by sharing a crazy amount of knowledge on just what we’ve learned over the last 20 years of our existence. See Ben’s kick-off post for the week here, Jeff’s deep dive into some of our codebases (Yes we do have some from 20 years ago!) here, Matts take on how design has evolved over the last 20 years at Redgate here and Bens view of how Redgate has evolved its agile working practices here

Remember how we got very excited about the Accelerate ‘4 key metrics’ in the summer? Well in this post Gareth shares our GitHub repo with you to allow you to track the metrics yourselves. Check it out here

Closing down our experiment on the adoption of the zero bug policy, Redgater Tom reflects on what his team learned here

We’re pretty proud of the transparency we have in sharing our practices, processes and a lot of other things with anyone who cares to ask. But we’re also incredibly proud of the bonds we build with our local community, including Anglia Ruskin University where Redgaters Chris and Jose were just some of the Redgaters who gave lectures for the computer science course for undergraduates. Read more about what happened here

Reporting is much the same here as most places, we’re still expected to produce reports. The only potential difference is exactly what we report on. In this post Dev Manager Ben shares what goes into a development area report in this post here (And don’t forget we’re happy to send a copy of the template to you, contact us here, on social media or email us at proddev@red-gate.com)

Ben ended the month by sharing how the role he performs works with our other roles to support newly formed teams in starting off on the right foot. Read what we think is important for a new team here

November 2019

The temperature is plummeting but the posts just keep on coming. Redgater David kicked off the month with this great article on code as content here

We’ve used OKRs at Redgate for the last 2 years. We certainly wouldn’t say we’ve perfected them yet but we are starting to see many teams experiment with different ways of creating them. In this post Development Manager Ben shares a template he used with 3 of his teams here

Redgater Mark delivered the goods again in this post all about removing boilerplate with Typescript, a well read article you can check out here

We get about a bit here. We’re proud of being able to send lots of our Redgaters out to conferences either to attend or to present. In these two blog posts Product Designers Neil and Alicja shared what they had learnt from the ‘Leading Design’ conference here and here

We talked about the fabled ‘10x developer’ earlier in the year. In this post Head of Engineering Jeff delves into the history of where this term came from here

So there we have it.

Whilst this series of posts certainly doesn’t cover everything we’ve talked about and shared this year it does hopefully give a flavour of the many things we’ve experimented with and either seen success with or learnt something from when it hasn’t turned out the way we anticipated.

The year in stats: -

Number if stories we published this year — 153

Number of minutes read every 30 days — 25,550 minutes

Number of daily visitors — 563

Our top 3 posts this year — 3rd place — Static and dynamic dispatch with 4.1k views

2nd place — How did we get to service meshes with 6.1k views

1st place — Aggregates in Domain Driven Design with 6.7k views

Thank you to all of our readers this year, everyone who liked, commented or shared our content. We’ll be back again next year sharing even more with you. Until then. have a great holiday season!



Ben Mancini
Ingeniously Simple

Engineering Director @ Payoneer (NASDAQ - PAYO) delivering the future of crossborder payments