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Inklings of Reality
Inklings of Reality
Conversations on religion, politics, family, life over cups of coffee…
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[Book Review] My Imaginary Jesus by Matt Mikalatos

Political Jesus, Social Justice Jesus, CEO Jesus, Hippie Jesus, Gay Jesus, Hipster Jesus, and so the imaginary Jesuses go on. Matt Mikalatos writes with humor and wit, while cutting to the core of what’s going on inside us as Christians. What…

Open Letter to John Shore

Dear John Shore,

I’ve been following your blog and online writings for a number of years now. I believe it was a post on Calvinism that drew me to your blog. You seemed at the time to have some sort of orthodoxy in your Christianity, but at some point in the last 2 years or so…

Does it get better?

English: Sex advice columnist, journalist, and...

Image via WikipediaThere’s a campaign that has been established and promoted by Seattle radio host Dan Savage called, “It…