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Inklings of Reality
Inklings of Reality
Conversations on religion, politics, family, life over cups of coffee…
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Dr. Warren Larson’s Review of “Chrislam”

Dr. Warren Larson, the former director of the Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies at Columbia International University has given a helpful review of the book, Chrislam: How Missionaries are promoting an Islamized Gospel (Joshua Lingel, Jeff Morton & Bill

Is Sharia Law a danger to the U.S.?

Image via WikipediaI had an interesting conversation on Twitter yesterday regarding Sharia Law. Basically, it started when someone asked me about a post from James White regarding a visit to the White House by an Islamic group. White’s concern seems to be that the…

Repost: Legacy of Jerry Falwell

Repost from May 16, 2007 (originally title, “Jerry Falwell dead at 73”)

Image via Wikipedia

Perhaps I’ll just be another blogger posting on Falwell’s death, but I do have some things to say about this. To those who praise…