Is this amount of stress really worth it?

Inme Health
Inme Health
Published in
5 min readFeb 23, 2018

Waking up with tens of thoughts during the first seconds. Hurrying up to work, feeling frustrated due to a traffic jam. Getting angry, as people walk too slowly in front of us. Busy at work, busy after work. Grocery shopping, hobbies, household chores, kids, emails, while constantly checking our phones.

Our minds are scattered, and we think it’s normal. A moment of inner silence seems as distant as the moon.

But do not worry, as the vacation is coming in 3 months! Then it’s time to be busy relaxing, right after we’ve been stressing about making everything ready for our well-deserved vacation.

We’ve tricked ourselves to think it’s normal

Everyone is stressed. That’s the toll you have to take when you’re pursuing your goals, isn’t it?

If you’re not busy and a little bit stressed, are you even doing your best in life?

That kind of thinking is extremely destructive. It has been estimated that 75–90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related problems. Is this the reality we want to live in?

Stress is even worse than we thought

In addition to the most common symptoms, scientists are constantly finding new and harmful ways of stress affecting our health.

Hair. Heart. Gut. Memory. Brain. Sleep cycle. Unborn child. The list goes on — not to mention the massive number of diseases that are caused, triggered or worsened by stress.

A study conducted by the American Institute of Stress tells us the harsh story of stress statistics in the United States. A massive number — 77% of people — experience physical symptoms caused by stress regularly. The percentage of psychological symptoms is nearly the same. 76% blames money and work as leading causes of their stress.

Basically, Americans are sacrificing their health for money and work.

Stop postponing your well-being

It is understandable. We explain ourselves how our stress is temporary, maybe even necessary. How we’ll get to relax once this and that has happened. However, that is not how it works. Life will throw us obstacles, to-do lists and worries later in life as well. New stress triggers will appear.

The real trick is not to get rid of all the not-so-pleasant parts of our lives, but learn how to live with them and to enjoy the ride, no matter what. Finding our unique stress-relief methods and daily routines to keep our inner balance throughout our ups and downs.

Every stressful year you spend reduces the well-being of your future. Yes, you might be making tons of money, which is amazing and respectable. But if you’re sacrificing your health while doing that, you’re digging a hole underneath you.

Seemingly, finding the best methods and tools to stay balanced in this ever-changing and chaotic world has become one of the biggest battles of our time.

Not only for superhumans

It doesn’t mean that you’ll continue doing your 12-hour-workdays, AND exercise, AND meditate, AND change your diet. Too much is too much. When the calendar is exploding and the mind is filled with stuff, a thought of healthy lifestyle and new habits might just stress out even more.

You don’t need to be superhuman.

Value the small, but significant steps. Find the simplest tricks that work for you: routines that give your body and mind the stillness that it desperately needs. Find your own triggers that make you relax and forget about your to-do lists just for a moment.

Maybe it’s reading a book, walking in nature, listening to music, writing, drawing, cooking or gardening — whatever makes you focus on ONE THING instead of the million thoughts you usually have during your busy day.

Those focused, and silent moments are like watering a plant for your brain.

Stress-free world is happier and healthier

Reducing stress — both individually and in larger scale in a society — will result in higher well-being. Stress-free people are not only healthier but most likely they’re also more productive, and being healthy and productive is often linked with happier lives.

When extra cortisol is not making you crave things that get your blood sugar rocketing up, you’ll probably make better meal choices and find it easier to avoid the sugary treats. You sleep better and feel more energized during the day. You’ll feel healthier, and find it easier to be a better partner, colleague, and a friend.

So take a moment, and think about it. Find your small stress relieving steps, and include them in your daily routines, no matter what. Cherish those moments, and never sacrifice them. You’re not just taking care of your health — you’re taking care of your future.

INME is the next level wellbeing tracking service that empowers people to track core hormones, like cortisol (stress) and testosterone (vitality) in simpler and cheaper way than ever before. The salivary based INME stress measurement solution and mobile app are designed to provide health information at a molecular level and help people to be the healthiest and most energetic versions of themselves. Our simple in-home hormone monitoring product is currently in testing stage. We’re looking to launch INME during 2018. INME is a result of over 20 years’ research in the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Diagnostics at the University of Turku, Finland.

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Inme Health
Inme Health

Stress management, health technology, and next-level health tracking - passionately aiming for a healthier future. Read more: