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Innocode Stories
Posts by folks who make Innocode
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Posts by folks who make Innocode

Go to the profile of Innocode
We do innovation, strategy and build relevant products for Norwegian media >> www.innocode.no https://www.facebook.com/innocode.no
Go to the profile of oxanayoxana
2015–2018: lucky member of @innocode_as team & volunteer at @pivorakmeetup. From 2019: learning Ruby and Rails
Go to the profile of Morten Holst
Morten Holst
Everything connected to the future of media is of interest, especially very good or very poor thinking.
Go to the profile of Valerii Shypunov
Valerii Shypunov
Trail runner, Innocode CTO, father, husband
Go to the profile of Bo
Go to the profile of Nadiya Karachevska
Go to the profile of Stepan Pakholiuk