Introducing Innostation

Lina Nada Maach
The Innostation Publication
4 min readMay 20, 2022

Our mission, Vision and Values

Wanting to create tangible change is a universal goal that many people want to achieve, this can range from working on science based projects to helping out at your local animal shelter, so what happens when you create a platform for students to publish their content about subjects their passionate about?



Never heard of…

Understandable… but not anymore after you go through this post!

Our Vision

Providing a space for young people to learn and grow.

Simple as that…

But how are we planning to do that??

Our Mission Statement

Innostation is a community that allows students to create a positive impact through innovation while addressing the scarcity of volunteering opportunities by creating meaningful initiatives for students to take part in.

Our Values

Value #1

We provide and maintain a safe space to build up ideas.

We actively listen to each other. We celebrate and validate our teammates’ ideas. We do not show toxic and disrespectful reactions to our teammates ideas and attempts, we do not mock or laugh at anyone and strive to maintain a safe space for everyone. We make sure not to make anyone uncomfortable, respect each other’s boundaries and work to create an inclusive environment in our team.

Value #2

We embrace failure and learning.

At Innostation, we recognize that failure is an inevitable part of the path to success. We perceive failure as a learning opportunity that we embrace and grow from. We celebrate our failure and those of others, and we never get discouraged to get up again and take risks. “You miss every shot you don’t take.”

Value #3

We respect everyone’s time.

We show up to meetings on time, and we stick to our scheduled time. We passionately show that we respect our time, but also that of those in our team. We send concise correspondences and complete tasks in a timely manner.

Value #4

We strive for innovation.

At Innostation, we are more than a non-profit. We are an innovative non-profit. We aspire to establish our model as a leader in the non-profit space and set the example for other nonprofits to be more innovative and creative. We show interest in growth hacking, and we explore emerging technology and crazy ideas to help create a bigger impact on our community.

Value #5

Our age doesn’t define us.

The Innostation team is diverse in age, ranging from 12 to 18 years old. However, we recognize that what matters is our ideas, thoughts and contributions. We do not look down upon each other for our age. We value and respect each other’s experiences.

Value #6

Our differences don’t divide us.

As a team at Innostation, we come from different backgrounds. We have different interests, different plans and different goals. But the one thing we all have in common is our commitment to our mission and our shared vision. Thus, our differences don’t divide us, they bring us together.

Value #7

We show passion and integrity.

We are part of the Innostation team because we all share the same vision, and we are committed to our mission. We strive to show passion and integrity through our work and our attitude, and motivate our teammates to do so.

Value #8

We stick to our word.

We only take on a task when we know we can do it. We keep our promises and we are clear and transparent in our communication with our teammates. We understand that doing so contributes to smooth and consistent progress both on a team and personal level.

Value #9

We maintain a healthy work-life balance.

As a team, we actively contribute to the growth and development of Innostation. But we also put ourselves first and prioritize our mental health when we need to the most. We do so in a way that does not pull our team back and we take responsibility. We strive to better understand ourselves and our bodies and their needs.

Value #10

We give feedback, receive feedback and iterate on our ideas.

At the Innostation team, our goal is to realize the best possible version of our ideas. We are open to feedback that we can use to iterate on our ideas and improve them. We give feedback to help our teammates improve, and we celebrate our improvements.

Want to support Innostation?

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You can write about any topic and at your own pace. If any of your articles’ topic fit one of our upcoming issues, there is an opportunity for you to get featured!

Spread the word about us!

Do you work in the media space (journalist, blogger, podcast host, creator…)?

Help us gain more writers and readers by spreading the word about our mission!

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Looking to learn about Innostation? Check out these pages!



Lina Nada Maach
The Innostation Publication

AI and Blockchain enthusiast. I write about Stem, emerging tech, growth, philosophy, culture, global causes, book recs, lifestyle, AI & Blockchain.