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Project Management

Innovate Vancouver
Innovate Vancouver
Articles and publications on business consulting, innovation, entrepreneurs, strategy, and leadership. Innovate Vancouver is a business & technology innovation consulting service located in Vancouver, BC.
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Research Project Management Innovation

Research is the cornerstone of many innovations. It helps bridge the gap between the present and the future and new technologies, strategies, resources, and ideas are explored. Despite the importance of research the step evaluating the fit between research…

Enterprise Architecture in Mergers and Acquisitions

Enterprise Architectures in Merger & Acquisitions: — Companies with competing components will resist efforts to support and sustain future alignment. Although some companies may choose to still pursue the merger and acquisition, due to the…

Managing Change Requests in Your Projects

Change request forms are used to help the project team find, evaluate, and confirm how changes to the project are handled. How change requests are handled can directly impact the cost, quality, and schedule of your project. As a result not all change…

10 Project Management Myths

Projects are complicated, which is why an evidence based project management methodology (PMBOK, 2013) is so useful. This method, if used in its entirety, almost gives off the impression of being seamless and ‘air tight’; considering almost every angle, roadblock, and issue that could possibly…