Meet Jo Ann Steinbauer, Research, Impact, & Program Evaluation at Goalbook

Veronica Lucena
Innovating Instruction
5 min readNov 12, 2019

What was your experience prior to Goalbook?

Prior to Goalbook, I was a K-12 administrator, instructional coach, professional developer, and classroom teacher. My first teaching experience was 5th grade at a Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) language immersion school where the regular MPS curriculum was delivered to students in the target immersion language, which was not their primary language. I had to ensure all students had equitable access to content and learning opportunities that ensured learner success.

Jo Ann (left) with one of her two daughters.

My teaching experiences focused primarily on K-12 language acquisition and literacy, embracing a passion for different cultures, languages, and perspectives that open students’ minds and hearts. My years as a classroom teacher were foundational as I stepped into instructional coaching and administration. For the past four years, I have served the education community through the EdTech sector designing research projects in and across special education and general education highlighting the perspectives, challenges, needs, and successes of educators.

What gravitated you towards Goalbook’s mission?

The most important school-factor related to learner success is teachers; empowering teachers is the key to ensuring ALL students are successful. My career in education stemmed from my love of children and a calling to teach that inspires and motivates learners of all ages to LOVE learning. Working directly with students and teachers has broadened my understanding of learner needs within the education community. The opportunity to expand research and evaluation at Goalbook, highlighting Goalbook’s impact on teaching and learning, alongside a dedicated team of educators sharing the same vision and mission, propelled me in this direction…and I am so grateful it did!

The opportunity to expand research and evaluation at Goalbook, highlighting Goalbook’s impact on teaching and learning, alongside a dedicated team of educators sharing the same vision and mission, propelled me in this direction…and I am so grateful it did!

What is your role, and what are your favorite parts of it?

I am the Lead Impact and Program Evaluator at Goalbook, a role borne out of Goalbook’s commitment to deepening understanding, for our partners and for ourselves, of what impact means across different domains directly related to our mission. My favorite part of this role is collaborating with our district and school partners and my Goalbook team members while sharing the same mission and dedication to teaching and learning. I love working with our district and school partners to align research & evaluation efforts with their unique needs and goals, ensure our efforts are feasible, and highlight findings that are meaningful in advancing local efforts.

Outside of the role, what are one or two things you love here?

The people and the culture of the organization. Our focus on growing relationships radiates externally and internally. We are ONE team with many diverse perspectives sharing ONE common mission/vision. Learning and growing as a team supports a genuine culture of trust and innovation laser-focused on empowering teachers and ensuring student success!

Jo Ann (right) with one of her two daughters.

How do you work and communicate with your manager?

I appreciate and am grateful for the positive and supportive relationship I have with my manager. While we have dedicated times to connect, my manager is always accessible and extends open arms toward ongoing communication. I am comfortable reaching out to my manager to request feedback, but also comfortable sharing and exchanging feedback with my manager.

What part of your research are you most excited about? What has been your biggest learning?

The biggest part of my learning has been how well-received research and evaluation have been by our district and school partners. Goalbook’s commitment to impact resonates with those we serve, and it is inspiring to see many different dimensions of impact — from those partners just beginning their implementation journey to other partners who have journeyed alongside us since the beginning of Goalbook! Every project is unique and equally important, which is the most exciting aspect of my research endeavors.

What are some areas you’d like to continue growing professionally?

I would like to continue to deepen my knowledge of research and evaluation practices and apply those practices to our Goalbook projects. I am also looking forward to expanding our relationships with external research & evaluation partners to meet the needs of our growing number of research & evaluation projects nationwide. I look forward to the future opportunity to work with one of our district/school partners in a long-term impact study to gain deeper insight into Goalbook’s impact on teacher practice and student learning over a series of academic years incorporating year-over-year lessons learned.

What personal goals have you set outside of work?

My #1 personal goal outside of work at this point in time is completing my dissertation and finishing my PhD program! My goal is in sight, and I am looking forward to crossing the finish line!

What are some of your favorite spots in Madison?

My family and I reside just outside of Madison in Lake Mills. We love theater and having the Overture Center in the heart of downtown Madison is such a gem! Muramoto is one of our favorite dinner spots. Capitol Square and the farmers’ market are always at the top of my list right next to warm summer days boating or kayaking on Rock Lake in Lake Mills. I love biking as much as I love being on the water! Luckily for me, there are endless bike trails and waterways to explore in and around the Madison area!

I love working with our district and school partners to align research & evaluation efforts with their unique needs and goals, ensure our efforts are feasible, and highlight findings that are meaningful in advancing local efforts.

What’s your favorite memory during your time at Goalbook?

My favorite memory during my time at Goalbook was my first team week in San Mateo where I had the opportunity to meet and get to know all Goalbook team members. Sharing work and personal time with colleagues across teams was such great learning experience in deepening my understanding of individual talents and team efforts which collectively contribute to the success and soul of Goalbook!

Which team activity has been your favorite?

So far, one of my favorite team activities was our all-team outing on Park Day in San Mateo. It was such an amazing day to get to know my colleagues on a personal level while having so much fun doing so! I am looking forward to future all-team outings and getting to know more about my Goalbook teammates and new team members!

Find out why other members of the Goalbook Team are excited about their roles and our work.

Read other team member stories: Blair, Ryan and, Shara

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