Meet Kia Britt, Customer Success at Goalbook

Veronica Lucena
Innovating Instruction
5 min readSep 17, 2019

What was your experience prior to Goalbook?

Before joining the Goalbook team, I was a district administrator/coach in Charlotte, NC. My role centered around instructional coaching of principals as they implemented school-wide educator effectiveness initiatives. Prior to that, I was an assistant principal and teacher.

What gravitated you towards Goalbook’s mission?

Goalbook’s mission aligns to my “why” and the reason I decided to go into instructional leadership — to transform teaching and learning in the classroom. My “why” is grounded in the fact that all students can learn under the right circumstances; I believe that those circumstances directly relate to the teacher and the tools they have at their disposal. Goalbook is a tool that supports teachers in designing instruction to engage scholars as well as provides students multiple pathways for success. I have seen firsthand what a successful implementation of the tool looks like in the classroom and the impact it has on students and teachers. I am proud to be a part of this work!

My “why” is grounded in the fact that all students can learn under the right circumstances; I believe that those right circumstances relate to the teacher and the tools that are put in place.

What is your role, and what are your favorite parts of it?

I am on Goalbook’s Customer Success team, focused in the Southeast region of the United States. I work with school and district leaders to effectively plan Goalbook implementations for school-based staff. A large part of my role involves training. I love facilitating onsite professional development! It gives me the opportunity to work collaboratively with teachers to improve student learning and inform instruction in coordination with the use of Goalbook.

Outside of the role, what are one or two things you love here?

At Goalbook, we have quarterly discussions called Soul of Goalbook chats. We meet in small groups where we view and openly discuss several resources around a subtopic that aligns to our overarching annual theme — which is all about “working inclusively” this year. I appreciate Goalbook’s level of commitment to its people and the encouragement to have these types of conversations that promote inclusion, understanding, and awareness. It truly unites us as a community.

Kia with Dr. Chris Emdin at CMS West Learning Community Eighth Grade Leadership Symposium

How do you work and communicate with your manager?

My manager is based out of NYC, and I am located in Charlotte. Though we are not in the same city, we are in the same time zone, which makes scheduling meetings convenient. We meet virtually twice a week; however, we are in constant communication via phone, email, and Google hangouts! Occasionally, he visits me in NC so that we can work alongside one another. This allows us time to problem solve, focus on career objectives and performance, and ultimately form a stronger bond.

What have you learned in your role so far?

As our company continues to grow, I have learned that I have to be adaptable in what my role looks like with varying partners! When I first began, I had a lot of partners on the East Coast; as we become more regionalized, I am passing some of my partners to my new colleagues as I take on the Southeast. Though it is bittersweet not being able to work with some of my partners that I started with, I know that they have an amazing opportunity to work with some of my colleagues.

I appreciate Goalbook’s level of commitment that encourages these types of conversations that promote inclusion, understanding and awareness. It truly unites us as a community.

What are some areas you’d like to continue growing professionally?

No matter how much I may excel at a particular skill or task, I believe I can always get better. I love facilitating PD but I am always interested in how I can enhance my presentation skills in the area of delivery. I want to share my ideas and personal stories in such a way that I connect deeply with my district partners.

What personal goals have you set outside of work?

One of my goals for this year is to read more. I joined our Goalbook book club as well as the book club that my Homeowners Association (HOA) sponsors. It’s nice having dedicated time to sit back, relax, and read.

What are some of your favorite spots in Charlotte?

I am such a foodie, and NC BBQ is the absolute best! Occasionally, you can find me at my favorite BBQ place, The Smoke Pitt! I am a mom to an active toddler, and we love engaging in any activities that get us up and moving. We frequent local parks often to go fishing as a family, travel to the mountains for hiking, or spend our days indoors at The Discovery Place or the aquarium for hands-on activities.

Kia and colleagues at the URBAN Collaborative 2019.

What’s your favorite memory during your time at Goalbook?

This year, I attended and co-presented at my first national conference for Goalbook! Though having the experience to present to school and district leaders across the country in itself was amazing, I enjoyed the camaraderie of attending the conference with my colleagues — visiting the Andy Warhol Museum, strategy lunches, and event outings where we are able to widen our circle and deepen our relationships with not only our partners but one another. With all of the hard work that we put into our roles, it is nice to enjoy a night with colleagues who have turned into friends as the most important takeaway comes from the conversations that we have with one another and the relationships that we make.

Which team activity has been your favorite?

This past spring, I was able to participate in my first Goalbook park day! I heard all of the stories about how amazing park day was and the stories definitely lived up to my expectations. Being able to connect with your colleagues on a personal level in a fun setting (playing games, taking a walk, etc.) is such a great way to strengthen bonds. I got to know a lot more of my teammates on a deeper level.

Find out why other members of the Goalbook Team are excited about their roles and our work.

Read other Success team member stories: Erin, Shara, and Todd

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