Meet Todd Richardson, Customer Success at Goalbook

Based in Harlem, New York

Purva Dandona
Innovating Instruction
4 min readMar 18, 2019


Todd Richardson, Customer Success at Goalbook

What was your experience prior to Goalbook?

Prior to joining the Goalbook team, I worked in NYC schools as a special education teacher, coordinator, and director. During that time I went to grad school, studying organizational psychology. Upon graduation, I decided I wanted to return to the school setting so I became an instructional leader and principal.

What gravitated you towards Goalbook’s mission?

I have always loved working with teachers; I think great teachers are so fun to spend time with and learn from. Great teachers are, perhaps better than any other group, aligned to Goalbook’s mission. I loved the idea of providing tools to help these teachers in Goalbook’s mission. ALL kiddos deserve an excellent education and deserve to succeed.

Todd in Kamakura, Japan.

What is your role, and what are your favorite parts of it?

I work on our success team to ensure successful implementation of the Goalbook tools in both schools and districts. What I love about my role is spending time with teachers and delivering professional development. Beyond that, I enjoy working with my team, especially thought-partnering with them as they work to successfully implement our tools in other districts and schools

Outside of the role, what are one or two things you love here?

Goalbook takes relationships and growth seriously. I love these emphases because I’m able to develop my relationships with school and district leaders, as well as with my colleagues in meaningful ways. From dinners to in-person meetings, it’s great to work at a place where geographical obstacles aren’t seen as insurmountable. Facetime is an important part of relationship building. Goalbook allows for these opportunities to interface by flying its entire team to California a few times a year for the purpose of building relationships. Beyond that, I am encouraged to meet district leaders in person, as we work together for the success of their teams and ultimately their students.

Goalbook takes relationships and growth seriously. I love these emphases because I’m able to develop my relationships with school and district leaders, as well as with my colleagues in meaningful ways.

How do you work and communicate with your manager?

I meet with my boss at the very least, once a week. I’m given the charge to lead those meetings, to ask questions, offer my thoughts, and ultimately thought partner to further Goalbook’s mission.

What have you learned in your role so far?

I’ve learned so much in my role. As a teacher and school leader in NYC I had a very narrow understanding of the educational landscape. It’s been wonderful working with school and district leaders all over the US. These leaders are doing amazing things for their students. I’ve learned a lot as I’ve met and planned professional developments and priorities with these folks.

Todd delivering PD at Goalbook User Symposium in NYC.

What are some areas you’d like to continue growing professionally?

I am excited to grow as a leader and further my understanding of implementation science. Goalbook provides those opportunities, not only from internal coaching but also by providing me time and financial resources to pursue professional learning outside of the expertise at Goalbook as well.

What personal goals have you set outside of work?

My family pokes fun sometimes at how many years I sat at a desk as a part-time/full-time student (22 years in total)! I love learning and have set goals to continue learning- from language classes to gardening (yes you can even garden in Manhattan). Oh, and like most of America I have diet and fitness goals; I hope I’m a better gardener than I am a dieter.

It’s been wonderful working with school and district leaders all over the US. These leaders are doing amazing things for their students. I’ve learned a lot as I’ve met and planned professional developments and priorities with these folks.

What are some of your favorite spots in San Mateo?

During my visits to San Mateo, I make it a point to go on morning runs to Coyote Point and along the coast. That and eat all the food at Poncho Villa Taqueria (again, not the best dieter).

What’s your favorite memory during your time at Goalbook?

I loved hiking with my colleagues last June at Huddart Park in Woodside, CA.

Which team activity has been your favorite?

Hiking and hanging out at the state park last year.

Find out why other members of the Goalbook Team are excited about their roles and our work.

Read other Success team member stories: Shara, Kia, and Chrissy

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