Go to Inside 42
Inside 42
We shape the future of education.
Note from the editor

We shape the future of education.

Go to the profile of 42 The Network
42 The Network
We make digital an opportunity for all, everywhere. #42Network.
Go to the profile of Cesar Miguel
Cesar Miguel
CPO @42. Product & Innovation leader. “Sharing is caring”, I’m here because I care 😉 (about Product, UX, agile, organisations, tech…)
Go to the profile of Bertrand Prevost
Go to the profile of Gaetan Lefebvre
Go to the profile of Emilie Franchomme
Go to the profile of NoemieB
Go to the profile of Taninna Portebos
Taninna Portebos
Directrice IOTA - Passionnée par les sujets d'éducation numérique de la jeune génération
Go to the profile of Sami Leleu
Sami Leleu
Product Design 42 network https://42.fr/en/network-42/
Go to the profile of Thomas Bailly-Salins