Sharing information and knowledge with your roles

Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2017
New drag’n drop option to attach files to your roles

Among what people love about Holacracy and its similar patterns is that it helps to make the implicit explicit. It’s a wonderful way to add more clarity, transparency on how things work within the organization based on a roles’ perspective.

If you use Holacracy as your new Operating System in your organization, all the authority that were previously owned by the executive managers is now fully distributed on a roles structure. The roles may have a purpose (describing all the projects and Next-Actions the role can do), one or multiple domains (describing what the other roles must not do without prior roles’ approval) and one or multiple accountabilities (describing what the role must process regarding other roles’ needs).

Normally, Holacracy doesn’t ask you to define in details what the role does in terms of activities (and in the most cases, it’s not necessary to do it unless it creates a tension for someone).

Nevertheless, as your company grows, it may be interesting to share useful information and knowledge on your existing roles to give future role fillers in these roles or other colleagues a better understanding of your stuff.

holaSpirit gives you 3 ways to achieve this: publications, custom fields and attachments. All these 3 options are attached to roles.

  • Publications are simple notes that you can easily create on the platform.
  • Custom fields are specific fields to add more context to a role. It can be activities, tools and apps used by the roles, procedures, … Both publications and custom fields are recorded in the search tool so that it will help all your colleagues to quickly identify who’s in charge when it comes to common issues and day-to-day work.
  • Finally, you can now drag and drop files to attach any kind of documents to your roles. A cool and easy way to record the important information regarding your roles’ activities.

Unlike the purpose, domains and accountabilities, these 3 options don’t require a governance meeting to edit and share information.

Hope you’ll enjoy!




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