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R3 Publication
R3 is an enterprise software firm that is pioneering digital industry transformation. We deliver purpose-built blockchain technology for all types of businesses in all industries.
Note from the editor

R3 is an enterprise software firm that is pioneering digital industry transformation. We deliver purpose-built blockchain technology for all types of businesses in all industries.

Go to the profile of The R3 Team
The R3 Team
R3 is an enterprise software firm powering solutions that deliver trust across the financial services industry and beyond. Learn more at r3.com
Go to the profile of Todd McDonald
Todd McDonald
Co-founder at R3
Go to the profile of Richard Brown
Richard Brown
Chief Technology Officer, R3. See https://gendal.me/about/ for more info.
Go to the profile of Richard Brown
Richard Brown
Chief Technology Officer, R3. See https://gendal.me/about/ for more info.
Go to the profile of Alisa DiCaprio
Go to the profile of Carolyne Quinn
Carolyne Quinn
Helping develop both Corda Network, and its Foundation for R3. Also currently a Director at Corda Network Foundation. https://corda.network/
Go to the profile of Dave Hudson
Go to the profile of Arjun Govind
Arjun Govind
Digital Identity @ R3 | Wharton (Finance) + Penn Engineering (Master’s in Data Sci) ’21 | Venture Capital and Chess Enthusiast! | Twitter: @ArjunG_
Go to the profile of David Vatchev
David Vatchev
Venture Development Lead EMEA @ R3
Go to the profile of Prem Munday
Prem Munday
Venture Development @ R3
Go to the profile of Cais Manai
Cais Manai
Hi, I’m Cais. You’ll find me writing on blockchain topics. By day, I’m a Product Manager for Ten.