What Are The Display Advertising Restrictions? — Part 3

Samantha de la Porté
Inside Revenue
Published in
14 min readNov 23, 2018

The Advanced Guide

In the Intermediate guide, I went over the restricted content for both Adroll and AdWords. This was to give you a comprehensive list of the various content restrictions laid out by each to help you to get your ads approved as quickly as possible by the platforms. In this guide I also gave you some tips from Adroll with regards to your landing page to help you overcome the approval process. If you need a refresher on the topics discussed in this article, click here to read “What Are The Display Advertising Restrictions? — Part 2 (The Intermediate Guide)”.

In this article, I will be going over the prohibited content and practices for AdWords, this is to give you the comprehensive list of things that AdWords will reject and may even block your account for. I will also be going over the additional guidelines set out by Adroll for certain businesses. Adroll have created this as a guide to help business with restricted content to get their ads approved and create content that is not inappropriate for audiences. These both need to be adhered to when creating your ads for the platforms.

“Quality performance (and quality service) starts with a positive attitude.” — Jeffrey Gitomer (Presenter on Sell Or Die Podcast, No1 Business Podcast on Overcast) @gitomer

What Should I Watch Out For With Regards To The Display Advertising Restrictions?

In this article I will cover:

#1 AdWords Prohibited Guidelines

#2 Adroll Additional Guidelines

So let’s move along…


#1 AdWords Prohibited Guidelines

Prohibited Content

1. Counterfeit Goods
Google AdWords prohibits the sale or promotion for sale of counterfeit goods. Counterfeit goods contain a trademark or logo that is identical to or substantially indistinguishable from the trademark of another. They mimic the brand features of the product in an attempt to pass themselves off as a genuine product of the brand owner.

2. Dangerous Products Or Services
AdWords wants to help keep people safe both online and offline, so they don’t allow the promotion of some products or services that cause damage, harm, or injury.

Examples of dangerous content: Recreational drugs (chemical or herbal); psychoactive substances; equipment to facilitate drug use; weapons, ammunition, explosive materials and fireworks; instructions for making explosives or other harmful products; tobacco products

3. Enabling Dishonest Behavior
AdWords values honesty and fairness, so they don’t allow the promotion of products or services that are designed to enable dishonest behavior.

Examples of products or services that enable dishonest behavior: Hacking software or instructions; services designed to artificially inflate ad or website traffic; fake documents; academic cheating services

4. Inappropriate Content
AdWords values diversity and respect for others, and they strive to avoid offending users, so AdWords does not allow ads or destinations that display shocking content or promote hatred, intolerance, discrimination, or violence.

Examples of inappropriate or offensive content: bullying or intimidation of an individual or group, racial discrimination, hate group paraphernalia, graphic crime scene or accident images, cruelty to animals, murder, self-harm, extortion or blackmail, sale or trade of endangered species, ads using profane language

Prohibited Practices

1. Abusing The Ad Network
AdWords wants ads across the Google Network to be useful, varied, relevant, and safe for users. They don’t allow ads, content, or destinations that are malicious or attempt to trick or circumvent their ad review processes. AdWords takes this issue very seriously, so play fair.

Examples of abuse of the ad network: promoting content that contains malware; “cloaking” or using other techniques to hide the true destination that users are directed to; “arbitrage” or promoting destinations for the sole or primary purpose of showing ads; promoting “bridge” or “gateway” destinations that are solely designed to send users elsewhere; advertising with the sole or primary intent of gaining public social network endorsements from the user; “gaming” or manipulating settings in an attempt to circumvent our policy review systems

2. Data Collection And Use
AdWords wants users to trust that information about them will be respected and handled with appropriate care. As such, their advertising partners should not misuse this information, nor collect it for unclear purposes or without appropriate security measures.

Examples of user information that should be handled with care: full name; email address; mailing address; phone number; national identity, pension, social security, tax ID, health care, or driver’s license number; birth date or mother’s maiden name in addition to any of the above information; financial status; political affiliation; sexual orientation; race or ethnicity; religion

Examples of irresponsible data collection & use: obtaining credit card information over a non-secure server, promotions that claim to know a user’s sexual orientation or financial status, violations of our policies that apply to interest-based advertising and remarketing

3. Misrepresentation
AdWords does not want users to feel misled by ads that they deliver, so they strive to be clear and honest, and provide the information that users need to make informed decisions. They don’t allow ads or destinations that intend to deceive users by excluding relevant information or giving misleading information about products, services, or businesses.

Examples of misrepresentation: omitting or obscuring billing details such as how, what, and when users will be charged; omitting or obscuring charges associated with financial services such as interest rates, fees, and penalties; failing to display tax or licence numbers, contact information, or physical address where relevant; making offers that aren’t actually available; making misleading or unrealistic claims regarding weight loss or financial gain; collecting donations under false pretenses; “phishing” or falsely purporting to be a reputable company in order to get users to part with valuable personal or financial information

#2 Adroll Additional Guidelines

Some services, products, website types, or website content have to follow additional guidelines in order for Adroll to be able to work with you. These include services such as cosmetic surgery and financial services as well as products like alcohol and health supplements. It is for this reason that they created the guidelines below to help advertisers, advertise their products appropriately.

The Guidelines Below Relate To The Following Items:


  • Ad publishers
  • Astrology/psychics
  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Education services/academic aids
  • Financial services
  • Marketing
  • Weight loss/bodybuilding


  • Airsoft guns
  • Alcohol
  • Children’s retail
  • Drug paraphernalia
  • Health supplements
  • Lingerie/hosiery
  • Medical devices
  • Prescription medicines
  • Surveillance equipment
  • Tobacco/e-cigarettes
  • Weapons/firearms

Website Types

  • Affiliates
  • Aggregators
  • Blogs/forums
  • Lead generation
  • Penny auction
  • Third party vendors

Website Content

  • Children’s content
  • Personal promotion
  • Special interests (implied personal condition due to the nature of your product. )

Below I Will Take You Through These In More Detail:

1. Ad Publishers
You can host ad space on your website, but it cannot be the focus. The following may lead to disapproval:

  • You do not own the majority of content on your website
  • Products offered are otherwise available for free

2. Affiliates
Affiliates are advertisers who earn commission on traffic or business sent to third-party partners. Adroll works directly with businesses to retarget their visitors, rather than individual or organized affiliates. This is in line with their policy that the website in review must demonstrate added value.

Signals Adroll use to identify affiliate businesses:

  • Redirecting destination URLs
  • Websites whose purchasing links send visitors to third-party pages (except for ticketing services such as Ticketmaster)
  • Reseller programs
  • Mirror sites (websites that mimic the look and feel of another) not owned by the original entity

3. Aggregators
Aggregators are websites that compile third-party content and links so visitors can easily assess their options. This does add value, but make sure that you add value with original content as well to ensure your campaign is approved.

4. Airsoft Guns
Adroll cannot promote airsoft guns or similar products that discharge projectiles at high velocity with the potential to injure (shoots things).

5. Alcohol
Websites in which the majority of products display alcohol related content, or in which the core product or service offering is of an alcohol nature, are not eligible to run campaigns with Adroll.

If the website does not sell alcohol or is a small part of the business offering, please make sure that there is no content which could be interpreted as alcohol in the marketing content. Banners should not contain alcohol related content and landing pages should not link to alcohol related content.

Venues or events that sell alcohol legally, but are not promoting alcohol, can be promoted provided that banners are age appropriate and are not promoting alcohol or alcohol related activities.

6. Astrology/Psychics
Adroll is open to the possibilities of the unknown, but the unknown is inherently unverifiable. Astrology, psychics, or related businesses can be promoted as long as you do not make any claims guaranteeing results or accuracy.

7. Blogs/Forums
Adroll cannot promote personal blogs or forums. If you use blogs and forums as community or marketing tools, Adroll can work with you as long as it’s clear that your business goes beyond the blog or forum by providing clear links to the homepage of your main website.

8. Children’s Retail
Adroll may be able to provide services to child-related retail sites where purchases are made online by adults 18 or older, as long as your campaign does not target children ages 13 or under. Adroll will not be able to approve your business if you:

  • Collect visitor data on pages that contain content intended for anyone ages 13 or under
  • Your ad or website messaging is positioned to appeal to anyone ages 13 or under

9. Children’s Content
In order to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, Adroll does not provide its services for websites intended for children ages 13 or under. To avoid disapproval, please make sure:

  • Your ads are not intended for or target children 13 and under
  • Destination pages do not contain any content intended for children, such as child-directed games or videos.Your website is not intended for children 13 and under
  • If children’s content (such as child-directed videos or games) is a part of your offering, please make sure to keep it separate from your creative’s landing page, such as on a separate domain or sub domain. Do not place the Adroll pixel on any pages containing children’s content

10. Cosmetic Surgery
Adroll can promote cosmetic surgery services as long as content is family-safe. If your practice specializes in procedures involving breasts or genitalia, be careful with what you picture. Censor any sensitive areas and make sure that you are not implying an ideal body type with any of your content.

11. Drug Paraphernalia
Adroll cannot promote any products, services or content that involve illegal drugs.

12. Education Services/Academic Aids
Adroll can promote education services, programs, or products designed to help people, but make sure they follow these guidelines:

  • The offer and proposed value are clear and specific
  • All claims made are accurate, credible and verifiable.Costs are fully disclosed upfront

Examples of accepted education businesses are:

  • Tutoring services
  • Online courses or programs backed by a reputable organization
  • School supply distributors
  • Institutions of higher education
  • Programs that are designed as academic “shortcuts” or to achieve some exaggerated result will not be approved, including academic aid providers (businesses that sell essays or services to complete coursework), or programs that claim to teach individuals how to “Make money, FAST!”.

13. Financial Services
Financial services will be closely reviewed for credibility, user safety, and accuracy of claims.

Adroll cannot promote:

  • Cash, payday, or title loans are prohibited
  • Stock or other financial advice programs that guarantee success or exaggerate potential returns will not be approved, even if this is only a portion of your offering

To be approved, make sure:

  • Your website content focuses on the financial tools you offer, not potential returns.
  • Exaggerating returns is grounds for disapproval
  • The terms of your offers are clearly laid out to guide visitors through the full extent of financial considerations
  • Verification of performance or accreditation claims are easily accessible.
  • Any request for sensitive personal information is completed on secure processing servers (https;//)

14. Health Supplements
Supplements are diet additives that synthesize natural ingredients in order to fulfill a desired result. Because of questionable legality and verification of claims, Adroll cannot promote health supplements that:

  • Are designed for physical enhancement (for example, weight loss, bodybuilding, or rejuvenation)
  • Claim to be as effective as (or a suitable replacement for) medicines
  • Claim benefits that cannot be easily verified

15. Lead Generation
Adroll cannot promote lead generation websites. This is defined as websites that have a primary purpose to collect personal information from visitors. Dedicated landing pages that contain a form for visitors to fill out can be approved, but only if it is associated with a business that offers more than lead generation.

Any information collected should be necessary for your business’s operations. For example to:

  • Fulfill a request or provide customer support
  • Complete a transaction
  • Create an account
  • Enroll the visitor in an opt-in newsletter program

Signals that Adroll use to identify lead generation websites:

  • Missing or incomplete privacy policy
  • Single-page websites
  • Offers for free products or services in exchange for personal information or taking a survey
  • Offers for future access to products or services in exchange for personal information now

16. Lingerie/Hosiery
Stores that sell lingerie, online or offline, can be promoted so long as store offerings and presentation of products in both your ads and website are tasteful (family-safe).

To be approved:

  • Your website cannot contain any nudity. To determine if your content complies with this rule, use the “bikini test”. Any areas that would be covered by an opaque two-piece swimsuit cannot be exposed. Unfortunately, if nipples are visible Adroll’s partner networks will not allow your campaign to run.
  • Avoid any explicit or implicit references to adult activities.

17. Marketing
Adroll works with many agencies to help promote their clients, but when it comes to retargeting your own marketing business, there are extra guidelines to keep in mind.

To be approved:

  • Your marketing tool or service must be designed to assist in marketing strategy
  • Programs should be customizable to cater to specific client needs
  • Potential customers should have a clear and full understanding of the services offered

Examples of what we can approve:

  • Analytics providers
  • Agencies (client websites must be compliant with our site requirements)
  • Social media management platforms or tools
  • Website optimization tools

They cannot approve:

  • “One-size-fits-all” marketing solutions
  • Marketing tools or programs that claim exaggerated returns
  • Reputation management systems designed to inflate social media presence (e.g., buying traffic or Facebook likes), alter review ratings, or otherwise manipulate a business’ digital presence (e.g., selling backlinks) in exchange for money or personal information

18. Medical Supplies
Adroll can promote general hospital and first aid supplies (bandages, scrubs, gloves). They cannot promote content pertaining to medical devices used to treat specific physical or mental conditions because it implies the personal conditions of the target audience.

19. Gambling
Websites in which the majority of products display gambling-related content, or in which the core product or service offering is of a gambling nature, are not eligible to run campaigns with Adroll.
Gambling services or content that is prohibited include:

  • Free or paid casino games
  • Games of chance or skill that involve monetary wagers or rewards
  • Gambling-related promotional products (e.g., vouchers, gambling credit)
  • Gambling software or programs
  • Gambling-related strategy, advice, or information
  • Government-sponsored lotteries
  • Brick-and-mortar casinos (gambling establishments)
  • Any internet-based game in which real money or prizes are exchanged or wagered depending on the result of a game are prohibited from running campaigns via Adroll.

20. Penny Auctions
Penny auctions are bidding websites that require a non-refundable fee in order to place a bid on any item or service. Adroll cannot promote them.

21. Personal Promotion
Adroll cannot promote individual profiles or listings created on third-party platforms or social networks. If you have a marketable skill or craft and have made a business of it, reach out to the Customer Support team with your website URL and Adroll will be happy to check it for eligibility. In order to run, your website should demonstrate added value beyond lead generation.

22. Political Campaigns
Adroll can promote political campaigns as long as they follow these guidelines:

  • They will not promote derogatory content. All political content should focus on the merits of the candidate.
  • Political messaging should not target special interests or groups, or imply affiliations (see special interests for more information).

23. Prescription Medicines
Adroll cannot promote prescription medicines (and related businesses), even if they comply with local regulations. This because laws differ from country to country and because of the potentially sensitive information implied by your customer’s purchase (see special interests). Make sure that the content of your ads, landing pages, or website do not make any references to this category.

Examples of pharmaceutical websites that we cannot run:

  • Online pharmacies
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturers
  • Coupon aggregators (that relate to prescriptions)
  • Any associated content or keywords

24. Special Interests
To protect the privacy of users, audiences cannot be targeted based on implied or explicit knowledge of a user’s personal circumstances. If only some of the products or services on your website relate to the special interests listed below, you may still be able to advertise so long as your audience segments, ads, and landing pages do not imply knowledge of these groups.

Do not target based on or imply potentially sensitive:

  • Physical or mental medical or health information
  • Criminal proceedings or allegations
  • Financial problems (e.g., bankruptcy or other negative financial situations)
  • Political opinions
  • Racial or ethnic information
  • Religious or similar beliefs
  • Trade union memberships
  • Interests or participation in adult activities (e.g., alcohol, gambling, dating, pornography)
  • Sexual behavior, identity, or orientation
  • Status as a child under 13 years of age

25. Surveillance Equipment
Any products or services to monitor, collect information on, or tamper with the communications of private individuals without their consent are restricted, and may only be approved on a limited subset of Adroll’s inventory sources. Make sure that you’re not engaging in or providing tools to monitor people without their knowledge.

Child or employee monitoring systems can be approved.

26. Tobacco/E-cigarettes
Websites that sell tobacco must have an age gate that blocks underaged users from viewing content and getting cookied by the Adroll pixel. Vaporizers and e-cigs can be promoted as long as website and marketing content does not contain any drug references.

27. Third-Party Vendors
While you may leverage third-party vendors to sell your products, your campaign(s) should point back to your proprietary website. Do not point to your product listing on third-party websites.

28. Weapons/Firearms
Websites which contain online weapons, and associated products in certain cases, are not eligible to run campaigns via Adroll. Weapons are defined as any product designed to cause injury or harm. This includes:

  • Functioning guns or gun parts
  • Hunting knives
  • Bombs or explosives
  • Brass knuckles
  • Throwing stars
  • Defensive weapons designed to incapacitate or injure another individual (pepper spray, stun guns)
  • Gun Ranges

29. Gunsmiths
Related businesses that may be eligible to be promoted, but will be reviewed on a case by case basis, include:

  • Decorative (non-functional) antiques
  • Accessories that do not contribute to basic weapon functionality (such as Gun scopes or cases)
  • Gun or weapon-related publications (books, magazines, or lifestyle websites

If your website or ads picture any prohibited weapons, Adroll will not be able to approve your campaign.

30. Weight Loss/Bodybuilding
Not all products or services designed for weight loss or body building can be approved, especially those that involve supplements. Non-supplementary weight loss and bodybuilding products and services (e.g., nutrition systems or exercise programs) will be closely reviewed for verifiable claims and must have a proven record of user safety, before they are approved.

Avoid before-and-after images, unexpected or unlikely results, or any image that focuses unnecessarily on any body part. Make sure that website and ad images do not imply a state of ideal or extremely undesirable body weight.

Adroll will also review your content for health and beauty “ideals” as well. Make sure that you avoid language that calls out perceived imperfections through language such as, “Are you fat?” or “Balding?”


In this set of articles, I wanted to go over the restricted and prohibited content that govern your activities on the world’s two major Display Advertising platforms. These platforms are Adroll and AdWords, both have very specific restrictions which, if not adhered to, will get your ads disapproved or your account could be blocked.

We are working to bring you guides Display Advertising, so come back and visit our publication, Inside Revenue, for the release of these articles and more.



Samantha de la Porté
Inside Revenue

Senior Digital Campaign Manager At FetchThem - Helping Sales And Marketing Teams Hit Their Company's Revenue Goals