13 Attributes of the Ultimate Writer (Part 1 of 4)

Soul, Creativity, and Intelligence

Chris Craft


13 Attributes of the Ultimate Writer — Part 1 of 4
Graphic designed by author

In this series of articles, I’m going to step into my lab and assemble the ultimate writer according to 13 core attributes.

Investing in a Medium membership and joining the Partner Program has opened me to a new world of fantastic wordsmiths and I thought it’d be fun to dream up how I’d assemble the ultimate writer.

Now I must say that this list is based purely on my opinion. I don’t intend to disrespect anyone by leaving them off this list.

The Backstory

Our soon-to-be 5-year old son wants a Voltron toy for his 5th birthday. Not only does this bring me nostalgia as I reflect on when my father bought me a Voltron toy, but it also got me thinking about combining powers in another sense. So, I owe credit to a 4-year old for inspiring me to assemble the ultimate writer.

I also must mention that I miss sports right now. I miss playing them. I miss watching them. I miss the camaraderie and rhythm of playing pickup basketball at the Y. One interesting positive out of this pandemic is it has inspired me to think of writing as a sport (which is why I decided to make Stamina one of the attributes of the ultimate writer).



Chris Craft

Husband, father, writer, and musician. I enjoy producing music for BeatCurve and writing words. Founder of Nao Media and NeoLuxeMarketing.com