Inspr finds useful feedback on Product Hunt

Betty Fang
Inspr Design
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2015

Inspr is a simple mobile mockup tool that helps you draw out an app idea right on the phone. It takes no design or coding skill to use, perfect for a non-technical mobile app enthusiast like me. This is for anyone who has a new idea for an app, and needs somewhere to visualize the concept before sharing it to friends or colleagues.

Inspr- mockup app designs right from your phone

This app mockup tool is made and designed by two of my good friends Steven and LMH. They have a lot of love for iOS development even though the app store is more competitive now than ever. I help contribute feedback from a non-technical and non-designer point of view so the tool can also be just as friendly to people with no such skills.

Inspr 1.0 was launched on the app store on Nov. 18 (coincidentally, it happened to be on my birthday!) Because it is still an MVP and we need early adopters for user feedback, we decided to put it on Product Hunt the day it was launched. And very luckily, it became the #2 feature on Product Hunt on Nov. 19. This tells us that the hunters are still searching for alternative tools for design mockup and prototyping. It also explains why we still see new tools like this come out every other week.

Inspr was featured on Product Hunt on Nov. 19

Because we chose Product Hunt as Inspr’s first and only promotion channel at its launch, we could clearly see the effectiveness of it being featured on PH. (It’s also a good idea to test one marketing idea at a time when there’s very limited time and monetary resources.)

The result of the PH feature turned out to be extremely helpful for both product and business development.

The download number of Inspr (a paid app at USD $1.99) has surged on the first few days and it made into the top chart of the app store (Top 5 in Germany and China, and Top 20 in US in the Productivity category). The keyword ranking in app store also performed really well as a result of the exposure (it was ranked #1 for important keywords such as prototype and mockup).

Most importantly, the exposure helped us prioritize our tasks in product development while we’re a small team working part-time on this app. Immediately after the Product Hunt feature, we’ve been receiving lots of user emails giving us constructive feature requests and useful feedback. It really helped us find out and decide what are the most important needs of our users. Yesterday, we released an update to add features such as “undo” and iPad support based on the most popular feature request. This process took less than one week.

The exposure also attracted other prototyping and mobile development tools’ attention to partner up with us for integration, which we are definitely looking into if it can create more value.

Overall, we were pretty happy that people are finding Inspr useful. Not only they are willing to pay for this tool but also giving us more constructive feedback. From the Product Hunt experience, we also tested that it is a community with helpful early adopters who are passionate for new products and willing to help them get better.

If you‘d like to stay updated on Inspr’s upcoming news, please follow @insprdesign on twitter or /insprdesign on facebook 😇

