Collaborative Coaching: From LeBron James to Elite Rowing

By Meghan O’Leary

When LeBron James announced his decision to depart Cleveland for Los Angeles to join the Lakers, there was plenty of excitement (and despair), accompanied by grand projections for the…

Lessons from the Army: 4 Tips for Being A Better Leader at Work

By Josh Getz

In January of 2018, at 28 years old with a bachelor’s degree in engineering and a great job in a great city, I decided to do a complete 180 and serve with the men and women who…

Carlijn Schoutens: An Olympic Speed Skater’s Take on Mentorship

Two weeks ago, Carlijn Schoutens, long-track speed skater for the United States of America took the line in Pyeongchang, South Korea at the 2018 Winter Olympics. In that moment, she probably had a number of things…

Inspiring the Next Generation of Women

By Meghan O’Leary

For as long as I can remember, I have always identified as an athlete. Born in 1984, I was the first generation to truly benefit from Title IX (passed in 1972). As a kid, I didn’t know a world that didn’t have sports…

2017: A Year in Review

It’s been quite a year for InstaViser. During the past 12 months, we have worked to create engaged learning communities…